Remember to make 2 postings of at least 100 words each this week. You can comment on these scenarios using what you have read about learning styles and personality type, reply to other student's comments or write about anything related to college and career success.
1. You have just been assigned a 10 page term paper.
2. You have to study for a challenging math test.
3. You have to write up a lab report for a biology class. It includes drawing of a frog you have just dissected.
4. You are taking a required course for your major and it is taught by only one professor. You dislike this professor.
5. You are taking a business class and have been assigned a group project to design a small business. It is worth 50% of your grade. One of the group members wants to control the group and the others seem to be rebelling.
6. You have signed up for an economics course and find it difficult to stay awake during the lecture.
7. You signed up for a philosophy course to meet a humanities requirement. The vocabulary in the course is unfamiliar.
8. As part of the final exam, you have to prepare a five minute presentation for your art history class.
Shane Dillon Blog Post 1
ReplyDeleteAs a second year student I have taken several courses where I have disliked my professors but am required to complete the course because it is in my major. It is important if you ever come across a situation like this to make sure you get a Tutor for the course to provide help when help is needed. I know that for me when I requested a tutor I immediately became more comfortable with the material and did well in the class even though the professor may not have been someone I was very fond of upon entering the course.
Hello Shane,
DeleteYou said it right. We need to be comfortable with the material and the only way to do this is by studying more in this class and putting more work and effort into it. Many times people do not do this so we blame the instructor for our grade. We will all have an opinion of the instructor but it is up to us to strive and be able to do good. I had a horrible instructor last semester. I had to drop one of my classes to make sure I was able to pass her class.
DeleteI completely agree, having a tutor will make a huge difference in the success of ones class.
I agree Shane! Having a tutor would make a major difference.
DeleteShane Dillon Blog Post 2
ReplyDeleteIf you are a studet who frequently falls asleep in class your best bet is to try to schedule your classes later in the day. I (being someone who sturggles staying awake in the morning) try to schedule most of my courses in the early afternoon. Therefore you have time to let your body really wake up and if you are a coffee drinker you have plenty of time to have the coffee you need. Hopefully if you have a course that is just boring you to sleep you can find a way to take notes so that you are not sitting there staring at the professor.
If I’m taking a required course for my major and it’s taught by only one professor. And I dislike the professor. Well I have to take that course because if I need to finish my class and get a degree then I have to deal with that professor weather I like it or not. Plus if I wanted to have only one teacher because then I won’t be confused on the homework and how each teacher teaches differently. But I think when I have a teacher that will be teaching us every day I will probably dislike the teacher.
DeleteHi, Shane I do agree with you because if you are not an early person then you should schedule a course that will help you go to school and get prepared and start to learn. But if you are going too early to a course but if you are a day person then when you to the class you won’t be pay attention because you will be sleepy and you won’t learn anything. So I think that whatever type you are then you should go that way. So as you said if you are coffee person then if you’re a day person then you will plenty of time to drink and get ready for school.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWhat I would do before a challenging math test is make sure you understand the work you are doing and take it carefully instead of just trying to get it out of the way as soon as possible. Get all the easy problems out of the way in the beginning and save the hard one's for last so you can spend a little extra time so you can fully understand it. Mainly is watch your stress level because whenever I allow my stress to get to me I seem to get angry and which this causes me to perform poorly on a test.
ReplyDeleteOne of the things I am guilty of doing on a math test is to rush through it. It is so easy to forget a step and everyone knows that if you forget just one step on a math problem that will totally throw the problem off and most likely you will get the wrong answer. The key to math is to take your time and show all of your work.
DeleteYou are absolutely right that you need to watch you stress level because if a person is too stressed they are not going to be able to focus and concentrate and they will end up doing poorly on the test.
Before I take a challenging math test I go to the instructor and ask them to review some math problems with me. I will also get any tutoring prior to the test but I will not wait until the last minute. Often times students wait until the day before the test to practice problems or get help and this is not always possible in a very challenging math class. The best thing to do is to get the help early and keep practicing daily. If a person does this than they should have no problem being successful on the exam.
i agree with you Michael you shouldn't rush through a math test.especially if the problems your answering requires many steps.taking your time is better because if you rush you may skip important steps and get the problem wrong.having a positive attitude is best because you will be confident in passing your test.if you feel like your not ready for the test you can fail and frustrate yourself.asking questions before a test is smart will refresh your memory on how to do the problems correctly.getting help early is even better because you will feel more ready for the test.a math exam really challenges your brain so take your time and study before that exam.
DeleteI as well would typically have an issue with stressing myself out during or before math tests. In some cases I would know the answers or how to do the problems but because my stress levels were so high I would make mistakes. So it is a good idea to keep a bottle of water on your desk or nearby to help calm the nerves. Also it is a great idea to ask other people and the instructor how it is that they solved problems you struggled with before the day of the test so that you have time to tinker with the problems and become comfortable solving them on your own. Too many times I waited till the day of the test to figure out how to do problems, and if I had asked just a day earlier my score would've been significantly higher.
DeleteI am a first year college student and luckily I like all my professors I have this semester. Like Shane said is get a tutor to help with what you are not understanding. I would go to his office hours to see if there is any additional information that could be helpful for me to know in order for me to perform well in this course so I can move on with my major. If there is nothing he can do to help you and all I can really say is try your best to get through it and hope for the best.
ReplyDeleteI chose to comment on question #7:
ReplyDeleteYou signed up for a philosophy course to meet a humanities requirement. The vocabulary in the course is unfamiliar.
If I signed up for philosophy course and the vocabulary is totally unfamiliar to me I would do everything possible to learn that vocabulary in as short amount as time I need to be able to ace the course. I would first go through each chapter and read the material and highlight the words that are not familiar to me. I would then look up all of those words in the glossary of the book and read them aloud to myself a few times. I would then make flash cards in which I would put the word on one side and the definition on the other. I would study these until I knew them and I would have member of my family test me on them frequently if not daily. I would take these cards with me wherever I go so that I can study the m throughout the day and I would do this task for every chapter. I also found a website Quiz let and they often have chapters from different books and subject areas that list the vocabulary. You can play the audio in which you can hear the word and definition, you can play a matching game and you can take quizzes over and over to help you to remember the words. These are a few of the techniques that I would use to help me become familiar with words I do not know and I am confident that if I use these strategies I would be successful in completing this course and getting a good passing grade.
My second comment will be on questions #4:
ReplyDeleteYou are taking a required course for your major and it is taught by only one professor. You dislike this professor.
I am sure that all students have had instructors they liked better than others and unfortunately that is going to happen throughout ones schooling. Taking this class will prepare the student for life’s uncertainties. Not only are there going to be instructors we don’t like but there are going to be classmates we don’t get along with or coworkers we don’t like. One has to take on this task and overcome their insecurities and deal with it in an adult way. Chances are if you get to know the professor better and go to him/her during office hours to let them know that you are trying as hard as you can and you want to succeed in the class you will do fine. I would take the class and do everything possible to be an advocate for myself and work together with the teacher and not against him or her. Being mature and taking on this class to complete my major and working with the instructor will bring about success in the class.
5. You are taking a business class and have been assigned a group project to design a small business. It is worth 50% of your grade. One of the group members wants to control the group and the others seem to be rebelling.
ReplyDeleteIf this happened to me, i would handle manners very professionally. Especially if this assignment is worth 50% of my grade. I would apply this assignment to a real life situation, and speak to group member who wants to control everything. i would explain to him/her that in business, you cannot be controlling or else the business would plummet downhill. Teamwork and positive energy creates success in business, and thats what we will need to do in order to pass the project. The "boss" must become one with the employees in order for the business to cooperate efficiently. Hopefully, after this, the kid would understand where i am trying to get at, and start cooperating with the rebels. This way, we'll get an A on the test.
8. As part of the final exam, you have to prepare a five minute presentation for your art history class.
ReplyDeleteI would actually find this project very enjoyable. I love giving presentations and speaking in front of an audience. But to properly prepare for this assignment i would make sure to dress nice first of all. Secondly, i would prepare with a powerpoint presentation with many pictures, especially since it is an art history class, and explain the meaning behind each picture. I have always found art history very interesting. I would also make sure to have note cards ready, and study the note cards in advanced so i remember what i have to say.
# 8. As part of the final exam, you have to prepare a five minute presentation for your art history class.
ReplyDeleteThis scenario actually happened to me in my art history class last year. In class we had a suprise presentation for a couple minutes where we had to choose a piece of work we were learning about and explain it. Honestly I had a complete panic attack because I am the type of person who likes to make lists and be really prepared, but in this instance I had no chance. After learning what enviornments I do best in, maybe I could have done better on my presentation had I been in my best fit area. I preform the best in school in cold enviorments, with little distraction and with a written out plan. Maybe for next classes I can take what I have learned from this chapter and continue to use it. I have realized that these enviornments will best help me learn to my full potential.
Hello Aubrey, I am the same way I need some time to put things together so that everything is thought out. Its the same when a teacher gives a pop quiz, I can't do well. I need to go away to a quiet place where the wind is blowing to be able to study well.
DeleteI had never realized that I had such poor study habits until college. Before now, studdying was not a huge concern so I would 'study' at friends houses or in front of the TV with music playing as well. Once I entered college I realzied I really needed to buckle down, so I tried to find the best study methods for myself.I have found that flashcards, studdying in a quiet enviornment with one or two people to quiz me is the best way to study. It is really important to make sure you can be in the best study enviornment for yourself because I have found that that is the only way you can truly obsorb information and relay it back into school.
ReplyDeleteI always had bad study habits in high school, I though to “Study” you had to study for long hours before a test and cram. It wasn’t until I started going to school for medical assisting that I learned to study in a way that best fit me. My husband calls it a “unorthadox way of studying” but It works for me. I realized if I study for long hours I do horrible on exams. I study the night before a exam for no more then 45 minuets, I make up a study guide and the morning of a exam I look over the study guide for literally only 10 minuets and I would ace all my exams that way. I just realize that everyone has to find a study habit that works best for them. Good luck!
Delete2. You have to study for a challenging math test.
ReplyDeleteI chose this issue because math is my most important class right now. My learning type leads towards working on things really late. So I would most likely wait until about 7pm and then start studying. I would study concepts, practice equations, and look over formulas until I could do them with my eyes closed. This isn't a hard thing for me to do because a few reasons: I love math to an extent that I would most definitely try my best to learn more things to make me better at it. Another reason would be that I know that if I do great on this test, than it will keep me motivated to do well on the next one.
6. You have signed up for an economics course and find it difficult to stay awake during the lecture.
ReplyDeleteI chose this issue as my second problem because sometimes I am just really tired in class and I don't want to pay attention regardless of how important the lecture is to me. If this was a real issue that I couldn't solve, I would just take the class at a time that I would be active and ready to work and listen, but if not, which normally would be the case, I would try to eat something or drink something to keep me awake. Nothing too heavy like energy drinks or a large breakfast. Usually when I can't stay awake in a class I chew gum and it helps keep me focused on the lecture.
I actually have been assigned a ten page term paper before. Everyone had to take that class and everyone dreaded the day that that paper would be due. What I did during this time was first look up the topic. After I did this, I would make an outline of what I wanted in the paper and in what order. I would not spread out my paper, but I would sit down and write the rough draft of the paper in a single day. Then I would have someone proof read it and after that finish it. I would do all of the steps on different days. I do not mind writing papers, since it is an opportunity to learn new knowledge I did not know before.
ReplyDelete-Jennifer Waugh
i know writing a ten page term paper is a lot of work Jennifer.that takes a lot of concentration and silence so you can write in a peaceful place.for me it would be too much to write ten page term papers but some people have the writing passion that some students is good that you found it to be an opportunity to learn knowledge and not give up because it is so much writing.i do honestly think that teachers make their students do assignments like this to push them to do their best writing.
DeleteI have also actually written up a lab report for two different biology classes before in high school. I would follow steps that I have used when dissecting other things in biology. I would describe the steps in detail in the report, while labeling the frog I had drawn. I would describe specific details in the frog that may be different in other frogs and the color and shape and size. With labs, I actually enjoy. In this entire process I would be positive and ask myself, Is this everything that the teacher/professor wants to see in this assignment? I would also make sure everything is neat and organized.
ReplyDelete-Jennifer Waugh
# 8. As part of the final exam, you have to prepare a five minute presentation for your art history class.
ReplyDeleteI am a procrastinator, so in order for me to get an A on this presentation, I must first ask all questions I need to be answered and clarify things that I'm not sure of. When I acquire all the information that I need, I will begin to map out the way I would like to my presentation look and say. after I complete the process I will continue to the finish the presentation according the rubric as followed. After I complete the presentation I will ask my college professor if he or she can look over it and let me know what they think. After I get a confirmation that it's good to go, I will practice presenting it within the time frame given.
Hello Kristina,
DeleteWe are all procrastinators especially when it is something we do not want to do. You always want to make sure you understand the assignment. I have seen so many people struggle or get a bad grade on an assignment because they did not do what they were required to do on the assignment. Sometimes by following the rubric we will be graded on, it will allow us to know what our instructor is looking for.
#7. You signed up for a philosophy course to meet a humanities requirement. The vocabulary in the course is unfamiliar.
ReplyDeleteif I were to sign up for a philosophy course because it was required for my humanities major and I figured out that the vocabulary in the course was unfamiliar, I would talk to my college professor and ask him or her and to help me understand the words and the course more. after I had my understanding with my college professor, I would continue on to learn the words, define the words, and learn the words. I would use the vocabulary in the right context with my everyday speech. Therefore I would pass my class because I know my vocabulary and it is no longer unfamiliar.
Hello Kristina,
DeleteI am currently in a humanities class and I do not understand any of these words. He actually told us to bring a dictionary to school so we can understand what he is talking about. I actually bought a small one so I can look up these words. It is crazy how tough humanities can be. I did not expect this. I talked to my instructor about this as well. He said part of the curriculum is to understand the words. The only way to learn is to have a dictionary and learn them.
Typing a ten page paper is not something many of us are "excited" to do. It is part of the requirement for class. Regardless if a professor gives us a week or a month to do, many of us will spend the exact time to complete it... a couple of days (stressed out). I do not recommend doing this. The best advice, I have is consider the idea of completing the assignment early and what it can do for you. When we think about the positive attributes which includes getting someone to proof read it (I know there is a place at Cuyamaca College that has a writing center) or even having a friend re-read it, it will make all the difference.
ReplyDeleteWhen it comes to this ten page paper, you need to be prepared. You have to have an action plan. One of the best things I do for myself, I tell myself it is due a week earlier than it is actually due. By putting this on my calendar, I am more willing to type the paper and be successful in school. I like to come up with an outline. By having an outline I am able to write down everything I need to talk about by making sure I stay on topic and know where I am going. I do not recommend thinking about the amount of pages because the pages will come. Even if I manage to type the entire paper and it is only 6 pages, after having someone read it, I might be given advice or help on where to add things. Overall, you cannot think about the length and just do it. The more positive you stay with this, the more successful one will be.
ReplyDeleteWe will all have to take a class with a professor we do not like and unfortunately there is nothing we can do about it. Many times if we do not take the class, we will be stuck at school for at least another 6 months to a year. It will cost us more money than we want to spend. The best way to handle this if the reason why we do not want to take this class is because the instructor is hard, we need to consider having a tutor. Our opinion and our classmates opinion of this instructor is always going to be strong. We have to tell ourselves, we will have to spend at least an additional couple of hours a week studying and doing work for this class. Sometimes it is helpful to get rid of a class from the schedule to handle taking that class with an instructor we do not like. Regardless, you have to be positive about it and we have to take it with full strength. We cannot allow them to put us down and continue to push ourselves.
ReplyDeleteI have chosen question 1.
ReplyDeleteIf I was just assigned a ten page term paper, first I would not freak out. I would first see when it is due so I can get started on it right away. Second, I would look at all the resources I have and put them all together to start outlining. I would defiantly not procrastinate and wait till the last minute to get this paper done, because I will either not get it done or get a very low grade. Lastly, I would most likely start on this paper before any of my other class assignments. Sure enough I will probably be more time consuming than anything else I have due.
I have chosen question 6.
ReplyDeleteIf I signed up for a economics course and found it hard to stay awake I would use many methods to avoid that. First, I would make sure to bring a drink with me to class whether it may be coffee, energy, juice, etc. just something to get my blood pumping so I can stay awake. Second, I would avoid taking that economics class in the early morning or late at night; maybe some time in the afternoon would be good. Third, I would keep myself motivated to stay away by thinking about where that class will take me and do what it takes to transfer to a university.
If I was assigned a ten page term paper I would feel really relaxed. I would feel relaxed because of the fact that I know I can handle situations like this easily because I am very prepared and motivated to succeed in school, so no matter what is assigned to me I do not let that startle me because I know what I need to do to succeed. Because I am more of a thinker than a feeler I know that I am capable to do my work properly. Also, because of me being more of a thinker I actually like challenging work such as a ten page term paper because I like the satisfaction of completing something that many may think is too difficult.
ReplyDeleteIf I signed up for an Economics course, I would actually find it very easy to stay awake because my major is Economics and I really enjoy it. I like dealing with numbers and complex math problems and formulas that can help bring success to my life. I find it very easy to stay awake because I am a thinker more so than a feeler so I like the satisfaction of dealing with very difficult problems whether it be algebra, statistics, or any other problem that I have to deal with, which is why it is very easy for me to stay awake in Economics.
ReplyDeleteThis is my first year at a traditional school, prior to this I was attending a vocational school. At a vocational school everything is incorporated into the program. Being in a traditional school is new to me, I am currently taking 3 online classes and 1 on campus. I took these classes because it was really all I could get into. I totally underestimated the amount of work I would have online, I prefer the on campus experience. Its difficult for me to get into a good motion right now with these online classes, its so much work and I have 2 kids. Based on my personality evaluation I am going to try some new things, I plan on writing out a schedule and focus on one class each day in hopes that it will help me get into a better routine because I feel like everything is all over the place right now.
ReplyDeleteIf I were taking a business class and had been assigned a group project to design a small business and it was worth 50% of my grade and one of the group members wanted to take control of the group and the other group members seemed to be rebelling I would call a group meeting.Even though I am a introvert and would likely not speak much at the group meeting, the meeting would allow the other members to speak their minds and hopefully come to an agreement. If that didn't work, because I am a feeler, I would try everything in my power to help everyone get along and feel important in the group. This could be accomplished by splitting up the project so that everyone could be in control of their own section of the project.
ReplyDeletei think that if you are studying for a hard math test and you really don't have any study skills then you could always try going over the book, but on thing i do is go and look what type of math problems are going to be on the test and then i try to do some practice problems that way i am learning how to do what is on the test. another thing you can do is go back into your notes if you have taken any and review the steps to solving the problems and you can also highlight the most important things.
ReplyDeletei think that when having a term paper and you see that it is so long you have to first off make a plan. i think that making a plan for the days your going to work on it and how you are going to prepare notes for it is going to be the biggest help. the things you do are u need to make time for it and u need to not procrastinate and need to work hard on the paper so you are able to get a good grade and not a bad one. it is best if u learn the topic of the easy before you start writing.
ReplyDeleteIf I had a challenging math test that I had to study for I would first start with finding somewhere quite and secluded. My personality type and learning style both push me to be someone who learns and is more comfortable alone. Be able to stay focused while studying would not be a challenge for me as I enjoy math. But if I do get tired and need to take a break then I would listen to music or have a small snack. I might also be able to study for the math test if I help tutor someone in the class because I get to not only be able to continually go over the material, and I will be able to see other people's thought process when doing the math problems as well.
ReplyDeleteI choose to write on situation number seven which is where you signed up for a philosophy course to meet a humanities requirement and the vocabulary in the course is unfamiliar to you. In this situation I would write the words down and their definitions on a piece of paper. That usually helps me a lot with remembering the word and what it means. Although if I still struggle with understanding what the word means after that then I would have my sister or somebody else quiz me on the vocabulary words. Those are the two methods that work the best for me when I am trying to learn new words.
ReplyDeleteFor my second post I am choosing to write about situation number four which is where you are taking a required course for your major, it is taught by only one professor, and you do not like this professor. Even though this is my first year in college I had a few teachers in high school that I did not like. I typically felt not as motivated to do the work as I would if I liked the teacher. If the teacher is fun and interesting then it makes the class more fun and interesting. Though for me if I do not like the teacher but it is a required course for my major then I would just have remind myself of the reason that I am taking the class and the consequences that I would have to deal with if I decided not do the work required and did not do well in the class.
ReplyDelete1. You have just been assigned a 10 page term paper.
ReplyDeleteI have always known that my study pattern and my ability to manage my time when it comes to school work isn't the best. I am choosing to answer scenario number one. I have been assigned these papers before so I know what it's like to have to write so much. I care a lot about grades on such large assignments but I haven't quite mastered allowing myself enough time to give it my all. I feel like in the past I have written some pretty decent research papers, but I don't think I have given myself enough time to check them over and sit down, relaxed, and think about how I could make it better. I need to study a little each day and limit my distractions around me. I am going to be asking my classmates their ideas on topics we are given and always talk my papers over with someone who can proof read it and give their input.
8. As part of the final exam, you have to prepare a five minute presentation for your art history class.
ReplyDeleteFor my second posting I will write about number eight. Presentations have always been something somewhat intimidating to me. I have learned a lot about my learning style over the three years of college I have had so far. I think presentations are great group projects. If this is something I will have t do on my own I will write down all my idea and "brainstorm" quite a bit not limiting myself to what comes to mind first. I think I need to slow down on completing assignments like this and write my ideas making it visual. An outsider look on y work and some thoughts and constructive criticism is great for me also.
I am similar when it comes to presentations. I don't mind group presentations, but don't enjoy doing them on my own. I also write down all my points, that way I can see what works best together, and what is the easiest to speak about. I also ask for outside support, that way I feel less intimidated when I go up to present.
DeleteIf I was given a 10 page assignment, I would dread the assignment a want to procrastinate. I would start by writing down several points. As ideas came to me, I would write them under the corresponding point. After I developed my list, I would start looking for points to remove. As this point, I start to pick random point and write paragraphs for them. As I write paragraphs, I might remove some points, or make changes to them. As a Perceiver, I like to jump around when I work and my topics stay flexible. It is hard for me to start from the beginning and finish with a final paper. Writing in paragraphs usually means that the paper does not flow very well, so I must go back and edit the paper a lot.
ReplyDeleteI chose to question #7. If I signed up for an philosophy course and I didn't know the vocabulary, I would first work on learning them. I would start out by going chapter by chapter and look up the key words in the glossary. Then I write all the words and their definition down either in a notebook or index cards. You could then quiz yourself to become more familiar with all the words. I think that doing each chapter at time help not to have an overload of information and that way you can understand what you are reading better.
For my second post, I chose question 1, the 10 page term paper. I have never had to write a paper of this length so I have no previous experience on this. I would start this project as soon as I got it instead of waiting till the last minute. You could make an outline of the pages and try working on the assignment one page at a time. That way there would be plenty of time for the project and your not overworking and rushing to get the paper done.
ReplyDeleteHi Anjelika! It is so great to meet you. :) I completely agree that it is always best to start the project as soon as we get it. I cannot count how many times I put off such a large project until the last minute and did not get the results I wanted. The best thing is always to immediately start preparing and to set a day for when we will start writing the essay. Outlines work great because it takes away the pressure of feeling like you are making things up as you go along. Outlines give us a clearly defined game-plan and help us organize our thoughts.
DeleteBy the way, I love how your name is spelled. It's so unique. :)
DeleteI chose to write about option 1 for my first comment. If I chose to do a 10 page term paper I would definitely not procrastinate and do a rough draft first. Since I know myself and my study habits I know that without stopping I will get it done within 2 days. The other day I finished an essay in a single day only because I had other things to do. I do procrastinate but sincerely when I do procrastinate I still do a good job in some areas not all though. I would use a library data base to work on my term paper. It takes skill to use advanced search engines as well. I consider myself a good writer that's why I can get any research paper done quickly.
ReplyDeleteMy second comment is number 2. Studying for a math test can be very difficult. I believe that as long as I learn how to do all the steps to an equation and memorize it will help me do well in a test. I have never been a mathematician but I have worked myself around numbers pretty well. Taking good notes will help me in the test. Some professors will allow students in math classes to use their notes which makes it quite easier but still I had to follow every procedure and get the correct answer. The key to be successful in math is to take good notes and try to memorize equations.
ReplyDeleteIf I was just assigned a ten page term paper, the first thing I would do is to read carefully about what is required for the paper. I would assess what information it is asking for and how I could prepare to write the paper. As an English major, one thing I have learned is that you can never over-prepare for a paper. There will always be information you gather that you end up not using, but the more you prepare, the clearer your thoughts and ideas will be. The worst thing is to write a paper and have no idea what you are talking about. Therefore, my strategy would be to start preparing early and to set a day for when I should start writing the paper so that I can have it ready by the due date. I would make sure that I give myself plenty of time to write, as well as review what I wrote.
ReplyDelete5. You are taking a business class and have been assigned a group project to design a small business. It is worth 50% of your grade. One of the group members wants to control the group and the others seem to be rebelling.
ReplyDeleteWell out of the situations that I saw this one was definitely the stickiest. A 50% of your grade assignment is a pretty big deal, and when you have a power struggle going on during suck an important time it’s bound to cause utter chaos. Personally I would hate that because I like to work alone and not having to deal with the Hitler of the classroom. I would most likely deal with this situation by telling the member who wants to control the group to shut up and just do his part to the best of his ability before he can start cracking the whip, and the others would just fall in line and do their work, and we could all share an equal opinion on the projects developments
8. As part of the final exam, you have to prepare a five minute presentation for your art history class.
ReplyDeleteIn order to give a presentation, it would be a good idea to outline your speech and find key points that you want to get across. Next ensure that the speech flows, and you have smooth transitions. Practice the speech outloud, and focus on what you are saying so that you're comfortable with the speech and do not throw in any unnecessary um,uh,or likes. During the speech it is better to pause for a slight second than to use one of these words to vocalize your pauses. Most importantly recite the speech in front of someone beforehand. Ask them what kind of tone & mood they got from the speech. Make sure they got the point of the speech and ask how it impacted them. Based off of their feedback you can tweak your speech and fix it up. Another important thing to remember is to make eye contact with the audience and not necessarily one person.
5. You are taking a business class and have been assigned a group project to design a small business. It is worth 50% of your grade. One of the group members wants to control the group and the others seem to be rebelling.
ReplyDeleteI would talk to the other group members about talking to the person who wants to take charge of the group to either cooperate as a group or find a different group. i have been involved in this situation before and I did exactly that and the person totally understood where I was coming from. If you just come off as polite instead of rude I am sure they will understand and change to help the group out, especially if the project is %50 of there grade.
1. You have just been assigned a 10 page term paper.
ReplyDeleteFor my second blog I will write about having this monstrous 10 page paper due. First off I wanna say that i am one to procrastinate. I will wait until the last day to do something that was assigned a month ago. If I had a 10 page paper due something I would like to do is start 10 days before its due and finish 1 page each day so that I am not overwhelmed by the last day. Its easier said than done, but in my first semester of college it is my goal to break this bad habit.
Writing a 10 Page paper can be very hard. I would have to do a little by little in order to put it all together. I tend to let time go by and start things really late so I would have to start it like 10 days before it was due. When I start to write it takes me a little while to get started. If I get stuck I take a break and then come back later. I can never sit in one spot longer than a hour.
ReplyDeleteYou are taking a business class and have been assigned a group project to design a small business. It is worth 50% of your grade. One of the group members wants to control the group and the others seem to be rebelling.
ReplyDeleteReading this makes me aware of a situation that can happen in my upcoming business classes. I have not had a bad experience before with group projects. I have heard of many people having bad experience. I guess the best way to handle this situation would try to make the best of the situation. I would have to keep in mind that my grade is a major part of this project. I think I would try to have the group just go with the situation and make them realize too that this project impacts our grade. This would only work if the person taking charge did have a good idea.
You are taking a required course for your major and it is taught by only one professor. You dislike this professor.
ReplyDeleteThis is something easy to over come. You basically just have to suck it up and realize you will not like every professor you have. Sometimes you will love the one you have and next you can hate the next. I have had a professor that was impossible to talk with. My way around it was gather information from students. Having others opinions and help really worked for me. If I was unsure about material I would ask a few students the same question and it helped me out. Having different opinions really made the stress of the professor seems easier. I think this was a hard issue to overcome but I was able to by staying positive.