Please read the chapter on test taking and make comments on two of these questions:
1. Students often say, “I am not a good test taker.” What ideas in this chapter would be helpful to this student?
2. What are some suggestions for dealing with text anxiety?
3. How do you study for a math test?
4. What is the ideal way to review for a test?
5. What are some disadvantages of cramming for a test and how can you avoid cramming?
6. What is your best idea for studying for exams?
7. Comment on another student's post.
2. What are some suggestions for dealing with test anxiety?
ReplyDeleteThere are many things to do if one is trying to conquer test anxiety. Please dont mind me paraphrasing what i learned in the CollegeScope section. One thing that i learned is that a minimum amount of anxiety could be highly beneficial to the student, but if too much is applied, things could get ugly. Being efficiently prepared for a test could be one way to defeat test anxiety. I will explain some ways to study for an exam in my next post, but basically, test anxiety is a psychological problem. In other words, "It's all in your head!" Thinking with a positive and clear mind could be one resolution. But certain steps must be taken to achieve this. Physical exercises before the test, or in the morning could assist you to thinking more positively. This relieves stress hormones in your body. Getting a great nights sleep of 8-9 hours is extremely important as well. Trust me, i've had many nights where i've done some last minute studying, resulting in about 5 hours of sleep. Waking up in the morning was definitely depressing for me, and i always went through my day with a foggy mind and lack of imagination. I failed many of these tests. Visualizing success creates motivation. Basically, one must control their thoughts. Of course it will be hard to focus on a test if all your thinking about is how you're going to fail. Negativity and positivity in life is one aspect that will ultimately determine your happiness and motivation.
I agree that thinking positive is very helpful. Tell yourself that you will do well, and this test is not the end of the world. Pretty much, fake the confidence and the anxiety will leave. Get rid of the negative thoughts, and replace them with positive thoughts. Also, I agree that some anxiety can be good. It helps one to get motivated to study and try hard. One of my teachers compared test anxiety to riding a roller coaster. Most people like roller coasters, and the anxiety of a test or public speaking is the same feeling. If we can start to think of the anxiety as a good adrenalin rush, we can start to think of the anxiety as a good thing.
DeleteI can relate when you talked about staying up late to study for a test and having a foggy mind and lack of creativity the next morning. The night before my first SAT test I stayed up very late trying to get in last minute cramming. The morning and test were disastrous. I had writers block during the essay and could not think of anything to write so I just wrote the first thing that finally came to mind, even though it barely fit the prompt. On the math sections I had trouble answering questions that I knew I knew how to do but just couldn't recall the steps needed to complete the problem. The worst part was that since the essay was first I went through the rest of the test feeling defeated.
DeleteI agree that thinking positive is really helpful. I have found that keeping good thoughts in your mind can be very helpful. Also, I think staying motived to keep up the hard studying keeps positive thoughts. I know when I put tons of effort into studying I always get better results. I think if you keep up the hard work and stay positive you will have good test results. I think by accomplishing a good test score you anxiety could go down by the next test.
Delete6. What is your best idea for studying for exams?
ReplyDeleteTo be honest, it was not until i started college when i began to create efficient ways for me to prepare for a test. When i was in high school, i used to just sit on my couch and attempt to study while watching Television, and texting at the same time. I began to realize that if i continued this technique, it will set me up for failure in college. So i asked my close peers for advice. My big sister and brother offered me many techniques that have been so beneficial to me. My brother explained that most of his studying is done at cafe's with a mellow environment. So i started doing this as well, and the difference in my studying was very noticeable. Some times, i spend hours in cafe's and i accomplish so much work. I also leave my phone in the car to prevent any procrastination and distraction. i feel almost obligated to complete all my work at cafe's, as opposed to doing my work at home on the couch. My sister explained to me that the secret to test taking is to prepare as soon as you start the unit. So i did this. i started creating note cards in class, and reading the text book at home. This prevented my last minute studying. There are much more studying techniques that i learned from them as well, but those 2 are definitely my favorite.
Hello Giuseppe,
DeleteIt is amazing what having a phone with us does to us. It is so distracting and we cannot focus on what we need too. I like the idea of going to a coffee shop. I usually go to Starbucks to do homework. It is pretty chilli inside but such a good atmosphere to relax and accomplish a lot. When I am home, I realize I am not able to do much and get lazy. I want to turn on the tv, I want to eat dinner, and just relax. The hardest thing when it comes to studying is not getting distracted and not procrastinating. I started setting specific times that I need to go to the library. By doing this, I was able to get the work done that I needed too. Test are not going to be easy .I also like to create cliff notes for myself of all the important information I need to learn.
Hi Giuseppe! I found myself in the same position as you. While in high school, I developed some bad study habits that were just not cutting it in college. I think a key for me was also finding how I could eliminate distractions. One of those distractions for me is Facebook. I would say that I was only going to go on for a minute, but thirty minutes later, I still hadn't started on my work. When I started looking at Facebook as a reward for completing my work, everything changed.
DeleteThese are great comments, Giuseppe! Thanks for getting the discussion off to a good start.
ReplyDelete4. My personal ideal ways for reviewing for a test
ReplyDeleteObserve: Prepare yourself to absorb the maximum useful information in the classroom by completing any before-class preparatory assignments, sitting where you will have the best sensory reception, focusing out distractions and focusing in on the learning activity, monitoring for key phrases or inflections that signal the most important points, and thinking critically about what your hear. Your notes are the most important resource you have, so make sure they are good.
Record: Use keywords, pictures, and diagrams with links to more expanded material. Write what the teacher writes. Worry more about getting the important material documented than organizing it perfectly. If you don’t understand something, now is the time to ask for further explanation. Try the Cornell method, mind mapping, outlining, and many other known forms of recording until you find what works best for you. Keep a good deal of the paper surface area blank (left side, right side, or back side) for processing your notes so you can add extra material that you forgot.
Review: Make sure to look over your notes within 24 hours of first recording them. Highlight the key items that you know will be on the test. Write short summaries of each major topic so you can understand them. Lastly consider rewriting your notes so they can be easier to read.
Maybe this is a comment for the note taking chapter?
ReplyDelete4. The ideal way to prepare for a test such as a midterm or final is attendance, time management, and review. In order to know what exactly is going to be on the test, you have to attend every class. If you miss a day or two, you might miss a whole entire lecture or even specific test questions that the instructor might go over. Getting caught up can be very difficult, so attending every class is important. Managing your time is very important too. Try to find out when the final or midterm is and schedule times and dates before to get some studying time. Reviewing your notes from the lecture can help you do well on the midterm or final as well. That's only if you take efficient note taking. Otherwise, you are in a little trouble.
ReplyDelete2. I am taking a student success course and the book has some ideas on dealing with test anxiety. The book suggests to get a good nights sleep before the exam because lack of sleep can interfere with memory, confusion and anxiety. The book also suggests to think positively on your progress. By having a positive mindset, it will become fairly easier to take the exam. It is very important to relax and take deal breaths, so you can collect yourself together and not hallucinate.
Hello Monique,
DeleteThank you for your post. It is incredible what going to class all the time does for you. Your instructor will remember you when they always see you going to class. It will make a huge difference within your grade because when you are at a boarder mark grade, you might get that grade higher because you always showed up to class lectures.
5. What are some disadvantages of cramming for a test and how can you avoid cramming?
ReplyDeleteThere are those fortunate people in this world that are good at cramming for test. They can wait until the last minute to study and still get a good grade. I unfortunately am not like this at all. I can study for hours and my best friend still does better than me. In class, we are given a syllabus and know what is expected of us. It is critical that we always focus on putting ourselves on a schedule and make sacrifices when need to be. For instance, by putting aside about an hour two a day per each class is not too much to ask for. We are all given the same amount of time. For those of us that enjoy going to the gym, it is okay to bring our studies with us there to read and workout. Cramming will do nothing good for us. When we are done with class, it is always important to review the material. If I have class back to back, on my way to the next class and when I am waiting for my instructor to start, I read through my notes. By doing this, it allows me to remember the material I just learned. You always have to stay positive and once you get negative or down, it will affect you.
3. How do you study for a math test?
ReplyDeleteI have seen this so many times by people READING a math book to study for a math test. I am sorry people but you cannot read a math book to study for a math test. In class, we are given so many problems. The best way to do it is to write down that problem, cover the answer and the work. It is up to us to try to solve it. In math, you need to practice, practice, practice, and practice. I bought myself a whiteboard and managed to do problems on that. YOu cannot have a bad attitude going into a course. It will tie you down and it will put you down. I have seen it over and over again among people hating a specific class and they end up doing worse because of that. Practice! Take out a sheet of paper and just work on problems. If you get stuck and need help, ask for help. This is going to be the best way to study for a math test. Not many instructors will require definitions on a math test. It is usually solely just math problems.
1. Students often say, “I am not a good test taker.” What ideas in this chapter would be helpful to this student?
ReplyDeleteI often think that I am not a good test taker but being in college has really helped me learn what works for me and what doesn't. With that, I really think test taking is a personal set of sills and you need to first figure out what kind of learner and study person you are so you know the most effective ways to remember things you learn and apply them when taking a test. Another thing I would say is to try to think positively and convince yourself that you are interested in the things you are studying because it makes a huge difference when trying to retain information and reflect on material during a test.
Hi, Lindsey
DeleteI do agree with you because everybody says that I’m not a good test taker. Well not everybody is not good you just need to know where your good at taking notes is. So I think everybody is good at doing well at taking notes but you just got to fine where are your good at. And plus you need to learn so you can know the most effective way things you learn and apple them when you take notes. So everyone knows how to take notes but you need to find out and how is effective way.
What is your best idea for studying for exams?
ReplyDeleteThe best thing for me when studying for an exam is to make sure I have read all the chapters that I will be quizzed on and making sure I took good notes in class and on my reading. I have found that note cards work well with any course and any kind of test so I have used them on all my big tests and found myself doing very well on my exams. I also have realized time management takes a big toll if I don't do it correctly, so breaking my studying up and staying consistent has helped a lot.
a good way to deal with the anxiety levels that you have from studying or preparing for a class or test is to breathe. I think that before out can get with all the techniques is you just need too take a breather and then start. ne way to lower your anxiety levels is to be well prepared for your test. if that means a 20 min study every night since you fond out or three two hour sessions. as long as that material is wedged into your brain then you are about 15% less stressed then you where. secondly is to have a good nights rest and so you are able to wake up a good amount of time before so you can not be rushed and you stay relaxed. another thing is that you can eat before you take the test, there is nothing worst then not doing these things and going into the test stressed because you are unprepared or sleepy or even hungry. these are just some things to help you have less anxiety. but most importantly breathe.....
ReplyDeleteWhat are some suggestions for dealing with text anxiety?
ReplyDeleteI think the best way to deal with test anxiety is to actually study and prepare for the test as much as possible. If you don't know what's going to be on the test, then you are more than likely going to feel anxious about going into the class and taking a test on something you're not comfortable with. Personally, when I study a lot for tests, I take them without a single ounce of anxiety in my mine/body.
Subtle breathing during an exam is a great way to lower your heart rate and calm down during an exam. This alone typically helps to prevent the 'mind block' a lot of students experience during exams. Keeping calm also helps you make better common sense decisions when answering a question you dont know the answer to. Being well prepared and studying with the class lectures is the best way to be prepared and really reduce test anxiety. Its great that you can go into a test with absolutly no worries, that is a great mind set to have and to do better on exams with.
DeleteWhat are some disadvantages of cramming for a test and how can you avoid cramming?
ReplyDeletePersonally, I know that I'm a lazy student. So that when it comes to studying, I find it hard for me to deal with taking time out of my day to study when I could be doing things that are fun. I've realized over the past few years that cramming doesn't work. It might work for a short 10 question quiz because you can remember everything you need, but all the information you crammed for will be gone in a few hours. If you don't cram and actually study over a few set time periods information is stored more efficiently. That way you won't forget the information in a few hours and you'd be able to remember the information a lot better so that when the test comes around even if you did cram the day before, a lot of the information wouldn't be gone. It'd be easier to remember because you already went over it so many times before.
What are some suggestions for dealing with text anxiety?
ReplyDeleteIf you know that you have test anxiety the text offers some great suggestions to help deal with it. One way of dealing with stress is to do some physical exercise. It is recommended to arrive early on the day of the test and walk around the campus for about 20 minutes. By exercising you will feel more relaxed and energized. IT is also important to get a good night’s sleep, since lack of sleep can interfere with your memory and it can cause you to get irritable, anxious and confused. Some people find that it helps to take some deep breaths right before the test. It is important to hold them for three to five seconds and then let them out slowly. These deep breathes will help to relax you and supply oxygen to your blood which will be delivered to your brain. After taking these deep breaths than focus your attention on the test. It is important to answer the easy questions first and then go back if time permits to answer the more difficult ones. This will help you to relax and once relaxed the more difficult questions will be more manageable to answer. Replace any negative thoughts you have about taking the test with positive ones and believe in yourself that you can take the test and be successful and pass.
What is the ideal way to review for a test?
ReplyDeleteThere are many ways to study for a test and it all depends on what type of learner you happen to be and what you are studying for. To learn facts flash cards are often very helpful. If you have vocabulary words to memorize you can put the word on one side of the card and the definition on the other. Use the flash cards frequently and study them daily. Each day you practice the more you recall and the easier it will get. Summary sheets are also very useful and can be used to jot down the main ideas from lecture notes or your textbook. Write down the most important ideas that need to be learned. Mind maps are a good way to give you a visual picture of the items that you need to remember for a test. Start in the center of your paper with the key idea and surround it with related topics. Mind maps are often useful in writing an essay. For some study groups can be successful in helping you review for a test. Each member of the group can take a section of the material to be studied and then come up with questions they may feel will be on the test. You can then quiz each other or even teach the material to the members of the group and while teaching it you are also learning the material yourself.
A key thing to do to help review the material is to do an immediate review. After a lecture review the material discussed in class. When you finish reading a section in your book review the key points in the entire chapter again. According to the text, research shows that the best way to review and remember is to do it within the first 20 minutes of learning it. It is also important to do intermediate reviews which would be after finishing one chapter go back and review what you learned in an earlier one. IT is important to organize your notes, material and assignments before a major exam. Make an estimate as to how long it will take you to review the material and then break it into manageable parts. IF you use these helpful hints and suggestions there is no reason you can’t be successful in studying for your test.
3. How do you study for a math test?
ReplyDeleteI would take well notes and pay more attention to the teacher. And also I would ask any question to get help and be successful in that class. But also the important thing is to have an organized note and can read your hand writing because if you can’t then you won’t do well at the test. So when you want to go and get prepared for the test then you can just go and look for your notes and study and do well on the test. So that’s what I’ll do.
To study for a math test, it is important to start early. Start doing the homework as it is assigned, that way you do not fall behind in lecture. If you know the material from the week before, the next lecture will be easier to understand. As the test day approaches, start reviewing a chapter or two a day. Make a page of notes as you are reviewing. Use these pages as a way to quickly review the day before, or the day of. Right before the start of the test, review formulas that are required, and write them on the test as soon as you get the test.
ReplyDeletewhat is an ideal way to study? after reading this chapter I seen that many of my study habits are ideal. My way of studying has been continuous studying broken up each day for no more then 20 minuets a day, the night before a test I review my notes and study guide briefly and then review right before a test. I understand now that my technique was helpful and effective because I was creating memory of the things that I needed to know.
ReplyDeleteWhat are some suggestions for dealing with anxiety? Some ways to deal with anxiety before a test is to not cram the night before, this chapter suggests to exercise, this will relax you, get some good rest the night before also. The morning of your test eat a well balanced breakfast. testing on a empty stomach can’t be good. Acknowledge your anxiety and tell yourself that you are going to do good. Speak positivity into existence, it will help with your confidence.
2. There are many ways to deal with test anxiety. The first way is to exercise, as this releases the hormones that induce test anxiety. Another thing is acknowledging that you have test anxiety and when the negative thoughts do come into your brain you have to tell yourself to stop, either out loud or in your brain. Turn the negative thoughts into the positive thoughts, if you are fully prepared then there is no need to be worried about the test. Next when feeling stressed, you can visualize yourself in a place that makes you feel comfortable, as this can help calm your nerves. Another way to deal with test anxiety is to do the easy questions first as these will build your confidence for the rest of the test. If all these things do not work you should see your college counselor.
ReplyDelete1. I myself am in this situation as well. I have always been bad at test taking and this chapter explains some possibilities as to why and how I can fix the problem. Being well prepared is the first step to becoming a better test taker. Keeping up with reading and studying class notes the day you do them is very important. This way you are always caught up and not trying to cram all of the information at the last hour. Next, it is really important to not try and review everything the night before. Simply glance over main points and get a good nights sleep. The next morning have a healthy breakfast and walk to class with confidence that you are going to do well on this test. While taking the test it is important to keep a calm and cool attitude, freaking out will only make everything worse. Write down notes that you remember on the test as soon as you get it. If you are completely lost on a question skip it and come back to it. Lastly, if you are going to guess on a test question that is true or false, guess true. It is easier for teachers to create true questions than false.
ReplyDeleteI am also in this situation as well. I find the difficult reason I claim this is because it is difficult to know what the teacher is thinking about putting in the test. It always differs depending on the teacher. I do agree that the best way to fix it is keeping up with reading and class notes. It can be difficult at times to read every time an assignment is assigned. I agree when you say not to try and review everything the night before a test since it just gets a person stressed and overwelmed and they do not get enough sleep because of your mindset. Your mindset is a powerful tool.
Delete2. What are some suggestions for dealing with text anxiety?
ReplyDeleteEveryone gets test anxiety, as a matter of fact it is normal, one would just need to know how to deal with it. First, It would be good to have atleast an hour to yourself before that test. This would help the anxiety calm down and give you some room to breathe. Second, It would be excellent t spend a good amount of time the night before to take everything in and feel more confident about yourself when you get in there to take that test.
6. What is your best idea for studying for exams?
ReplyDeleteI have many techniques i use myself for tests, and they often work. I used to be the worst test taker on the planet, until i started using the following methods; rest, eat, study. Resting is always a good thing before you take a test mainly so youre more energized for the test and not being sleep deprived. Eating is very important before taking a test. Once you start eating and if it is the morning it gets your body functioning and you are able to focus more. Lastly, studying could take a major toll on ones success in test taking. Once you start studying you automatically have that confidence about the test before you studied.
Hello Day Shaba, I used to be a bad test taker as well, I used to be over confident until I followed the same steps. I rested more and ate better and the information just went smoothly in a test. It is good to have confidence in a test and think positive but with study hours to back you up.
Delete6. What is your best idea for studying for exams?
ReplyDeleteMy best idea for studying is to distribute study time by reviewing notes or formulas as in a math test. The area around me is also important while I study. It has to be quiet with no distraction because I get sidetracked easily. Sometimes studying with a partner is helpful because we both study for the same thing and give different points and it makes it harder for me to forget. The library quiet rooms are the most helpful areas to study and I've taken advantage of them because they are so private.
2. What are some suggestions for dealing with text anxiety?
ReplyDeleteExercise - get to class early and go for a brisk walk to help burn off nervous engery.
Sleep - get a good nights sleep the night before the test.
Take deep breaths
Visualize success
Acknowledge anxiety -
Easy questions first - do the easy questions that you know first to help gain confidence.
Yell, “Stop!” - negative thoughts only help to worsen anexity.
Daydream - it helps to relax you
Give yourself time -
5. What are some disadvantages of cramming for a test and how can you avoid cramming?
Some of the disadvantages of cramming are it is difficult to remember large amounts of material. if done often will result in anxiety, which will turn into a dislike for education.
6. What is your best idea for studying for exams?
I think that the best idea that is talked about in this chapter is to do the 7 day review plan. To break up the review into a little at time. Im sure im not the only one that waits til the last minute and try to cram everything in one review session. This plan breaks up the semester into 2-3 chapters a day and only the main points .
4) What is the ideal way to review for a test?
ReplyDeleteSince people have different learning styles, the ideal way to prepare for an exam may look different from person to person. The following is my ideal way to prepare for a major exam. First, I would make an effort to attend every class and take good notes for the class. I would go to class having an idea of what is going to be covered so that I do not go unprepared. Second, I make sure to distribute the practice and not cram at the end. I have noticed that cramming is a very ineffective way for me to prepare, so I much rather prefer learning material over a shared period of time. Also, as I read through the textbook, I would make sure to underline what is important, so that when I review, I will not spend unnecessary time going through the text in order to find the information I am looking for.
When there is a student that believes he is not a good test taker, I would first tell him to get rid of that attitude because that attitude will bring you down; you are only as good as your attitude. I would then explain ways for the student to become a better test taker to ensure that he can succeed in his classes. I would tell him to make sure that he studies the material efficiently, and to make sure that he attends class every meeting so that way he never misses a lecture. I would tell him to make sure to study the material over time and not cram it.
ReplyDeleteSome disadvantages for cramming for a test is that you will not be able to fully understand that material that you need to understand for the exam. Another disadvantage is that since you will be rushing to understand the material, there will be so much information that you are going to miss because you do not have the time to actually study all of the material, which will greatly affect your overall test score. You can avoid cramming by making sure to start studying for an exam right when you know an exam is going to come up to make sure that you allow yourself plenty of time to take care of business.
ReplyDeletehello Dominic i agree with your comment about cramming.when you cram you miss so much important information because your rushing through the material.its not good to rush through studying and waiting til the deadline to study.its better to study early so you wont have to miss valuable information by will do well on the test if you studied frequently and not have to take the time out to memorize your material so you will pass your test.
Deletehow do you study for a math test?
ReplyDeletereview the notes you took in class and review them as you do your homework so you will know how to set up your with a partner so you can help each other go over the problems from your review problems.with a partner it will make learning the math much easier because you have someone to go over the problems with.math can be complicated but easier when you help each other go over the steps and solutions.this will help you be more prepared for the test.
How do you study for a math test?
ReplyDeleteSo often I find that studying for a math class is difficult. It is hard to know what to study and what types of questions will be on the test. Personally I am good at math and enjoy studying for it. At the current moment I am in a math class an this is the way I study. It may not be of the best convenience to others but this works for me. I do not due my homework until it is close to the time it is due. My teacher does some of the homework some of my classmates do not understand and i write it down. I do my homework after I understand everything in the chapter or section. When I wait till close to the due date I have it fresh in my mind and know what type of questions will be on the test. If I do the homework ahead of time I look over the homework and do it again on a different sheet of paper.
-Jennifer Waugh
Math exam:
ReplyDeleteI study for a math exam by going over the problems on the exam over and over. I am normally good at math so when having to studying isnt such a bad thing. When I first started this math class this semester I was only doing hw a few days before it was due. Once I took my exam, I knew I needed to start my studying and hw before a few days. My new plan is to do the hw right after the class. This way the material is still in my brain and it gets done instantly.
Good tips for better test taking
ReplyDeleteSome solid ideas to think about if you want to become a better test taker starts with going to class and taking accurate notes. If you do this you will have a grasp of what the teacher is trying to get across and what they want to accomplish within the chapter. The next thing is to give yourself ample study time throughout the week. Make sure you study nightly for 30 minutes to an hour and NOTHING longer.
Disadvantages to cramming:
ReplyDeleteThere are many disadvantages to cramming for a test the night before. One is that it is proven to show that you do not remember all of the material or even a very good amount. There is also facts that say that cramming before a test is actually not healthy for you and can lead to becoming sick.
What are some suggestions for dealing with text anxiety?
ReplyDeleteSome ways I deal with test anxiety is by studying the material enough to make it 2nd nature. If you do not know the material that is going to be on the test then you will be nervous while you are taking it. It is like doing something that you have done before many times, it becomes easy and you get over the nerves. When it is your first time doing something you struggle and there are always nerves that get to you.
Disadvantages to cramming:
ReplyDeleteSome disadvantages of cramming is that you will make the assignment that much harder on you. You will leave all the work that was supposed to be done in a long period of time, until the last minute. If you have to say, read a book, it is better to read a few pages a day instead of reading the whole book in a week. It is always better to manage your time right to make your life easier.