Monday, November 11, 2013

Chapter 12, Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle, Nov 11-17

Chapter 12 contains health information for college students in the areas of nutrition, avoiding addictions, protection from disease, getting enough sleep and dealing with stress. It is based on the premise that we will be living longer in the 21st Century. Also a college education is a big investment and it is important to enjoy the benefits over a long lifetime. Here are some ideas for discussion. You can also add any topic related to health or college and career success. You can make one comment of 200 words or two comments of 100 words each. 

These facts are well known: 

•         Smoking causes lung cancer.
•         One out of three Americans is overweight or obese.
•         Ilegal drug use is addictive and limits success.
•         Not getting enough sleep is harmful to health and learning.
•         Not practicing monogamous or safe sex can lead to STD’s including AIDS.

Knowing this information, why do people continue to smoke, overeat, take illegal drugs, miss out on sleep or practice unsafe sex?

Assume that you are writing magazine article, "The Five Most Important Steps to Maintaining Your Good Health." What ideas would you include in this article?

Share some of your intention statements for maintaining your good health. 

I wish all of you good health! Marsha Fralick


  1. #1 There are many factors that contribute to the increasing unhealthy society. One reason is that people are simply oblivious to a healthy life-style. For example, take McDonalds, one of the biggest food chains in the world. They are known for their unhealthy food, but lately they have been bringing in so-called "healthy food." These foods range from smoothies, salads, fruit bowls, and wraps. These foods were brought to the menu specifically for two reasons, one to attract a bigger crowd. and 2, for core customers who order their big macs and french fries with a guilty conscious. They now have the option to choose between a wide range of deceiving health foods. Little do they know how manipulating these foods are. For the most part, You can guarantee that McDonalds fruits and veggies are grown in the most un-sustainable and cheapest way possible, with plenty of pesticides, GMO'S, Preservatives, and even bleach to create a longer shelf life, resulting in more income for mcdonalds. These foods cause more harm than good, much like Naked Juice, Jamba Juice, Odwalla, etc. Unfortunately, McDonald's is not the only food industry that uses these food handling methods. Much of society's modern diet consists of artificial flavors, food dye, food starch, Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil, Synthetic chemicals, MSG, Trans-fats, and tons of sugar. Not only do these chemicals put a burden on our body, they are also found to be tasteless yet addictive, added in foods only to make consumers eat more. These foods may be able to fool our senses & taste buds, but they will never be able to fool our bodies. So basically these foods are like drugs, and people are paying to harm their health. Which is also another reason why their are so many obese people in the world. I truly think that many people choose not to educate themselves about health, because they fear what they will learn. Consciously, they understand that they live an unhealthy lifestyle, but will be unable to handle the gruesome truth about junk food. Also, many people continue to stay unhealthy simply because it's an addiction. Smoking, sex, drugs, and even foods are all an addiction that is hard to give up. People enjoy these things so much that they refuse to exclude them from their lives. But the most important fact, is the lack of self-control. We are in complete control of our lives. We are responsible to educate ourselves & become healthy. The food industry, Nicotine industry, drug industry, & sex industry are not to blame. Instead, focus on the person who supports them.

  2. #2
    The role of diet in our lives is finally gaining the attention it deserves. The role of a healthy life-style is ultimately what keeps us alive. The role of a toxic lifestyle does the complete opposite. As i have explained before, healthy foods are extremely important in our lives but are often looked upon with disgust. Healthy foods ultimately have the ability to nourish our body with nutrients and aid the toxic buildup in our essential organs, caused by our risky diets. Toxicity is caused by a build-up of unhealthy foods, pollution, chemicals, etc. Our essential organs arent able to handle the burden these chemicals put on us, resulting in an organ-coma, and eventually leading to cancer and disease. But see, another problem is the medical industry. When people get sick with cancer, the doctors don't suggest a natural healing through nutrition, which is the most affective way. Instead, they offer conventional medical treatment, such as chemotherapy and radiation, which not only puts a heavier toxic burden on the patients organs, but also makes the body more vulnerable to other forms of cancer and diseases down the road. The medical industry generates over 700 Billion dollars a year. Soon, it will be a Trillion. Why does the rate steadily increase? Well, despite medicine claiming to heal people, it actually does the complete opposite. Medicine may rid the body of certain symptoms, but in due time, the medicine causes other problems, which means more medicine must be purchased. People need to realize that all sickness could be cured by the food they eat. For example, take Charlotte Gerson. Who is she? Well she is a 93 year old vegetarian with a strict diet that consists of 10 fresh pressed vegetable juices a day, and coffee enemas (gross, i know.) She is in better physical and mental health than most 50 year olds i have ever seen. She still has plenty strength. She had Tuberculosis when she was 12 years old, which was considered a very deadly illness at the time. She was cured naturally by fruits and vegetables. Through the "Gerson Diet" thousands of cancer-patients have been cured, and Diabetes (not the one people are born with) has been cured within one week. So, my 5 tips go as follows:
    1Take control of your life
    2 Become educated
    3 Eliminate all junk foods and sodas
    4 Consume a fresh pressed juice as often as possible. A carrot a day keeps the doctors away
    5 Exercise on a daily basis

    1. Hello Giuseppe,

      You bring up one of the best things which is take control of your life. We control this, not a significant other. I feel like many times people do not realize how much control we do have on our lives. If there is someone negative and causing tension within our lives, we do not have to stay and be with them. We have the opportunity to leave them.

  3. PART 3
    Share some of your intention statements for maintaining your good health.

    What people don't realize is the harm they are doing to their bodies until they become sick. I will take many actions in order to ensure i have the best possible health growing up. I will stay away from anything bottled or packaged. One day, i hope to own my own organic farm and grow all my own foods. It's very sad, but if the world continues to become a toxic waste, i feel that the only safe way to be healthy is to grow your own organic crops on your own farm. USDA now allows Certified Organic Labeled foods to use some sort of pesticide, at a minimum use though. This is still very bad, especially if they are root veggies like carrots that soak up whatever is in the soil. I will drink a glass of carrot juice a day, which contain almost every single vitamin our body needs (plus, it is tasty). I will stay away from Genetically Modified Foods, which really haven't even been tested. Major companies are paying millions of dollars to prevent GMO-Labeling because of this. GMO's have been banned in almost every other country, hopefully America is next. And most importantly, I WILL STAY AWAY FROM DOCTORS

  4. #2:
    In my article, "The Five Most Important Steps to Maintaining Your Good Health" I would inform my readers that it is very important to be healthy. I will then go over some intakes that will prevent you from having an unhealthy lifestyle which are: smoking, overeating, taking illegal drugs, missing out on sleep, and stressing out. All of these causes will affect you. One step to a healthier lifestyle is to juice three times daily. Vegetables have all of the nutrients that your body will need. The second step to maintain your health is to exercise daily as well. It is very important to get your body active and also, this will help you become more athletic, therefore, gain the weight. The third step to a healthier lifestyle is to remove all junk food, take-out, highly sweetened drinks, and sodas. This is one of the main causes to why our society is becoming overweight. All of these foods can make you 1, gain weight. 2, break out. 3, feel depressed. And 4, become lazy etc. By eliminating all of this junk, you will be able to have a better attitude and more energized, while eating the right foods and lose weight. The fourth step that will help you maintain a healthy life is to educate yourself on what foods that you should eat and what foods you shouldn’t eat. By educating yourself, you will know how to balance all of the food groups with the right foods. Lastly the fifth step to maintaining a healthy life is just be happy. Always have a great mood and think positive because depression can also be cause to eating the wrong foods.

  5. The first and probably the most important step in maintaining your good health would be to clean up your diet. A clean diet will help you feel better and live longer because your body is getting the nutrients it needs to function with and isn't struggling with an unclean blood stream. The next step would most likely be to exercise. Exercise makes blood flow in a healthy manner and helps prevent cardiovascular disease by working out the heart and other vital organs of the body that you need to function every day. The third step would be to stop smoking or drinking alcohol religiously. If you drink and smoke, you are only reducing hours and even days of your life. Drinking destroys your liver if not in moderation and smoking is hazardous to your lungs and those around you. The fourth step would be to not be stressed out all the time and learn to enjoy life a little bit. Of course you can enjoy life with all these things that are harmful to your health, but there's no reason to do them if it'll only lessen the amount of life you have! Finally the fifth step would be to become aware of your habits and lifestyle and change if it is not healthy or you are not happy with it. Having an unhappy lifestyle is worse than having health because you can't enjoy the many things that can make you happy.

    1. Hello Martin, I totally agree with you that drinking and smoking cause great damage to the human body specially when they both are abused everyday. Avoiding these addictions can prolong the lifespan by about 30 years which is nice. Also maintaining a balanced diet can prolong lifespan a lot as well. A good diet and exercise can help the heart and brain get oxygen and work better.

  6. The most important thing I believe we need to do is to clean up our diets, people in the U.S. are constantly eating out and making a quick stop at a fast food restaurant. If people were to stop and take time to realize what is in that food they are putting in their mouth they would be disgusted. Anything you get from a fast food restaurant is easily over 700 calories and that is just the burger! If you count the soda and the side they get with their food they are putting in over a 1000 calories in their body in just one sitting. Mainly what I am trying to say is quit eating fast food; you can have it once in a while but not every week. Now lets talk about how much the average person exercises each week. The average person exercises 3 times a week for about 45 minutes a day, which is nothing. The rest say they workout at least once or twice a week, which is probably not true. People hate being unhealthy but the problem is they are lazy and don’t take time out of their week to do some simple exercises which will make them feel better about themselves and help them burn some calories off. Last for people’s health is to get them to quit smoking and drinking. All smoking does for people is takes life away from them by ruining their lungs. Finally for people who are alcoholics all you’re doing is killing your liver, which is pretty much committing suicide. I am not saying to completely quit drinking but maybe go out and have some fun once and awhile and drink but don’t make it a everyday habit to where you are sitting at home by yourself and wasted. All people need to do is take a moment and think what they are doing to themselves before they begin.

  7. Knowing this information, why do people continue to smoke, overeat, take illegal drugs, miss out on sleep or practice unsafe sex?

    In spite of the fact that there is information out there showing that smoking and taking illegal drugs is harmful and can cause cancer and even death, people continue to take them because they feel that nothing is going to happen to them. They feel they are indestructible and invincible and they have no fear of using drugs or smoking. They don’t believe they will get addicted or that cancer can happen to them. They know the harmful effects but feel that is for others not them. The same is true to those who practice unsafe sex. They don’t believe they can get diseases from just one night of unsafe sex when in reality all it takes is one time and a person can be exposed to HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases. People also turn to drugs and overeating as a relief from depression. They may not be able to cope with the everyday events of their life for whatever reason and they turn to food or drugs as a sense of security. This of course is a temporary fix but is not the answer and often times these people need some serious therapy. It is not for us to judge why people do what they do, but we certainly can try to help people overcome it and educate them about the harmful effects of partaking in things that can put your health in danger.

  8. Share some of your intention statements for maintaining your good health.

    After doing the activity this week, I learned that I could live to be 90, however in order for that to happen I definitely need to change some habits.
    My intention for maintaining better health are:

    Not to drink or smoke
    Continue to have a good relationship with my family
    Not to stress out about things I have no control over
    Get a physical annually
    Take vitamin supplements
    Get plenty of sleep
    Use sunscreen when out in sun
    Floss daily
    Get my weight down
    Remove fast foods from my diet
    Increase the amount of exercise I do weekly

    I feel that these are just a few things that I can do to be healthier and live a longer life.

    1. i agree with you Michael.these are the things that i also want to do better with.i also want to have longevity in my main concerns are getting more sleep and not stressing over things i don't have control over.i want to get more sleep to keep energy and be refreshed to start my day well.i will be positive mostly so i don't stress over things i have no control over.i will work on these concerns so i can remain positive and energetic in my life.good luck with your list Michael you can do it.

    2. I agree with you Michael. These are also some of the things that came across for me. It was an eye opener to see what is hurting me in my everyday life style. I need to get more sleep also and need to learn to increase my daily exercise. Its nice to see that all needs to be done is something we are all capable of.

  9. If I was writing a magazine article on "The Five Most Important Steps to Maintaining Your Good Health" the first thing that I would write about is smoking. Smoking is a horrible habit/ addiction that millions of Americans struggle with and have trouble breaking. This is a huge issue because smoking doesn't just affect the people doing it. There is a thing called second-hand smoke and this is where people breath in what is coming off of the end of the cigarette and what the smoker is breathing back out. Thousands of people die from smoking even though they don't smoke in part do to second- hand smoke since it leads to lung cancer and heart disease. Secondly, I would talk about how alcohol use can be addictive and can limit people's success. It takes only between one and three drinks in order to reach the driving under the influence limit. Also, if you drive drunk you don't just risk your life but the lives of the passengers in your car and the lives of others that are on the road. Another thing is that if you drink all night you could wind up missing class the next day. Thirdly, if you drink too much you could die from alcohol poisoning. The third thing that I would write about is how one in three Americans is overweight or obese. I believe that this is partly because there the junk food is so readily available and quite often cheaper than the healthy food. Also, we don't always get as much exercise as we are supposed to. The fourth thing that would write about is how people don't get as much sleep as they are supposed to and the consequences. For example, thousands of students stay up late in order to study or finish homework but what they don't realize is that sleep is very essential because while you are sleeping your brain lays down the important information that you need to remember. If you don't get the proper amount of sleep you don't remember as much, you lose concentration, ability to reason, and if you are driving you have the same slowed reaction as if you were driving drunk. The last thing that I would write about how not practicing monogamous sex or safe sex can lead to getting STD's like AID's. Part of the reason why people get STD's is because how the main reason people use condoms is to prevent pregnancy and if someone is using birth control people don't see the need for using a condom. Another reason is that people don't know how to use a condom properly, put it on after starting sex, or taking it off before finishing.
    Also, some of my intentions for being healthier is to get more exercise and to eat healthier by eating more fruits. Another one of my intentions is to snack less because I do this too often. I knew that I needed to lose weight but this chapter reminded me how crucial it can be.

    1. I enjoyed reading your article on important factors in improving your health. You have a good description of some of the most important issues. Good work!

  10. One out of three Americans is overweight or obese
    One out of three Americans is overweight and when they are over weighed then they feel bad and ashamed of their body because other people make fun of them and sometimes they push them and sometimes they fight because they are over weighed. And the people who are over weighed sometimes they kill themselves because of the abuse and of the people who make fun of them and fight them then they kill themselves just because of that because they are over weighed. So I think that this should stop don’t judge the person by their body get to know them first. And also when the bullies make fun of those people you are losing and killing another people just by their weight. And if you don’t want to be the person that other people make of you is don’t care about them ignore them don’t lose yourselves because of somebody who makes of you. And if you can eat health organize your food and eat right. Like organize your breakfast don’t eat everything eat something that is healthy for you. And eat snakes and after an hour you can eat lunch and don’t eat that much too eat health and stay fit.

  11. "Five most important steps in maintaining good health". Although Alcohol is known as the most abused drug, smoking is just as prevalent. Not only does it affect the person smoking but everyone is range of that person as well. Smoking is most commonly known to cause lung cancer, but recently has been thought to bring on the cause of pancreatic cancer as well. Its a shame that we all have the chance to live and some people are choosing to shorten their lives with stupid habits. Today it is known that one out of three Americans is obese. This means that 100 out of the 300 million people living in this country are obese. In my opinion this is caused purely by being lazy. It wont kill you to go to the gym every day or at least a couple times a week. Or at the least if you are really lazy at least cut out fast foods and really unhealthy meals. Unfortunately drugs are something very hard to drop because they are so addictive. The simplest way to stay healthy and away from that is to try your hardest to resist the urge to ever try them. This is way easier then starting drugs and trying to stop. Same thing goes for drinking alcohol and smoking. Not getting enough sleep can be harmful because it is your bodies way of recharging itself. If you deprive it of sleep it will not be able to function properly, affecting everything in your daily routine. Not only that but it makes this world a happier place when people get enough sleep. Lastly, it is really important to practice safe sex. It not only makes everyone cleaner and healthier people but it can prevent unwanted pregnancies to families that were not (still not) ready to bring another life into this world when they cant even take care of themselves. All five of these hot topics in our country really come down to one thing: laziness. Americans have become so lazy I am literally waiting for the day everything falls apart. People are not exercising, laying around doing nothing so they drink and smoke. Now everyone is in a technological phase, not communicating in person and sitting at home or in school on there technology devices.
    I intend to swim and work out more than twice a week. I intend to keep saying no to drugs. I intend to keep up with healthy living and food choices. I intend to try and lower my stresses if possible. Lastly I intend to stay in school and get my degree in two years.

    1. Hello Aubrey,

      For those of us that are over 21, anything that we do in life going to a holiday party, going out, etc it all involves food and alcohol. It is very hard to avoid these two amazing but can be deadly if abused the power. Many of us know our limits with alcohol yet we continue to drink and strive to get drunk. It is sad that we do this. Many times people do this because they do not want to remember anything. They are unhappy with their life.

    2. We are entering the season for all those holiday parties. Students can be safe by always having a designated driver. Thanks for bringing up this important issue.

  12. Share some of your intention statements for maintaining your good health:

    I think the first and most important thing to a healthy and long lasting life is the diet. Cleaning up your diet can do such great things. Skin complexion can improve, energy levels throughout your day will improve, and you will become happier. I think it is hard for people who aren't used to having to work out all of the sudden realize that with growing age you can't eat what you used to and not work out and expect to not see the changes in your body. This happened to me recently. I was always involved in sports throughout my life and through high school. I went to college in Arizona three years ago and very quickly learned what the meaning was of the "freshman 15". When I came home I decided to stay because I missed being close to home. This also allowed me to workout more regularly, eat healthier, and get into a routine of this. I was quickly back to myself. I like to work out 6 days a week and everyday I am eating healthy getting my servings of fruits and veggies in everyday and avoiding those food that aren't good for my body. With that, like mentioned in the chapter, you really are what you eat. Since I have become more healthy I notice an overall improvement in my mood and outlook when I wake up to start my days.

  13. An unhealthy lifestyle can affect the entire body. I believe that avoiding smoking and drinking will have a direct effect on a longer lifespan. Just by doing that my lifespan can increase up to 30 years. Eating too much red meats can cause cancer and other illnesses. So I intend to eat fewer red meats and quit smoking. I go to bed on time and eat plenty of fruits and some vegetables. I feel like I need to eat more fish to reduce red meats. I eat a lot of poultry which I believe is better than red meats. I intend to go hiking atleast twice a week and do more cardio.

  14. Share some of your intention statements for maintaining your good health:

    I intend to fix my eating habits, since having good eating habits is one of the key components in living a long healthy life. First I intend to use smaller plates, bowls, and cups to cut back on the portion sizes. I also intend to follow the food pyramid suggestions about what my plate should be composed of. One good thing is that I do not eat red meat, pork, or poultry. I get a lot of my protein from soy products and fish. I also intend to cut back in my soda drinking and replace it with water and unsweetened tea. I also intend to try to get my family to eat at the dinner table so that we do not watch television while we eat which will distract us and can cause overeating. I also intend to get a good nights sleep every night. I intend to first avoid eating a big meal close to when I plan on going to sleep. This is one of my major problems that affect my sleeping during basketball season. I get home really late at night after games and sometimes practices, as last season twice a week my time had the 7pm-9pm practice. I would get home and be very hungry, eat, and then it would be really close to bedtime. To fix this problem this season I intend on eating dinner before going to late practice, and then when I get home if I feel a little hungry I can have a light snack like yogurt or fruit.

  15. I think that some things I need to practice more to be a healthier person living is, diet, sleep, less hanging with people who smoke and drink and party all the time. the first and easiest thing I can do to help myself feel better during the day and have better success is trying o get more sleep. they say that you need a certain number of hours to be prepared for the day and I know for a fact I get about less than half or the right amount needed. I think that by now having more free time during the day I can do more and have less to do at night and be able to sleep instead of doing the things I should have done in the day. secondly, I could go on a diet. this seems very hard but with what is at stake and that's my health and my life then I feel that it will be better and easier to be able to be more successful with keeping on track with my diet. lastly I will try to stop hanging out with people who are constantly smoking hookah and drinking alcohol. I tend to go and hang with people who smoke and it used to be a habit and just to smoke with them but I don't anymore but I still am there and second hand smoke is just as hard on your body and drinking is bad but not if your not doing it just the people around you are, but it is always tempting and I don't want to be tempted. so just these things would help me live longer and keep me healthier.

  16. Although many people know the risks of many things, they still continue to do these things. I personally feel that people continue to do these things because they have the mindset of doing things that they should not be doing, even if it is very harmful to their bodies. I feel some people just want to seem cool in front of others or even perhaps look older in front of their peers. But what many people don’t realize is the fact that doing things that are bad for their health will cause them to live shorter lives that their peers, which not only hurts them, but also hurts the people that they are acquainted with. Even though many people know that smoking causes lung cancer they still continue to smoke because it is something that they are addicted to, and not matter how hard they try they seem to not be able to quit. The fact that one out of three Americans are overweight or obese is very intriguing, it goes to show that one third of our fellow Americans are not eating properly, or maintaining a proper exercise routine which is a very terrible thing because that could affect our Country in the long run.

  17. Knowing this information, why do people continue to smoke, overeat, take illegal drugs, miss out on sleep or practice unsafe sex?

    I think that our population knows so much but they are also so dumb to the simplest things and don't realize what is best for them. I cant say im perfect because I do a lot of these things that make us have bad living and harm our health. I know I do them but I realize I need to work on them. I think that the teens and college students drink and smoke and get the lack of sleep is because not because they enjoy it because they are trying to be trendy and hipster. I think that if more people stood up for what they wanted to do and didn't care what others think then they would not do all the things. practicing unsafe sex is also bad but the people who practice it are the ones who normally have no grown up in a well grounded family or that they have a lack of common sense. people try to fit in and these are just something's that help them fit in.

    1. Hello Ashley,

      It is hard for people to control their eating habits. I blame a lot of this because people tend to be depressed or unhappy in life. Many people are emotional eaters which causes them to eat more than they should. We know what we need to do but we would rather risk it. For instance, we can go to a concert and get 3 hours of sleep for work tomorrow. We will do it because we want to have fun than sleep. We will then regret it the next day.

  18. Most people know about the harmful effects of a bad diet, drinking, drugs, and unsafe sex, yet do it anyways. I believe that most people think that there is plenty of time to fix their habits, and that they will be able immune to the harmful effects. I think that people's desire for these harmful activities trumps their willpower to say no. It’s easy to read about the harmful effects of smoking and decide to quit, but it is much harder to put that into practice and stay motivated once the initial enthusiasm wears off. The same thing can be applied for most of these areas. We know what we should avoid, yet the temptations wear on us, and usually cause us to slip back into the harmful activity. Education about the harmful effects, plans with a goal in mind, moral support, and rewards along the journey can all be helpful to overcome an addiction. Also, if you have a hobby or enjoy doing something that contradicts with your weakness, it may be easier to overcome the temptation. I started working out a few years ago and enjoyed it right away. I got results fast at first but then they started to slow down. Because of the enjoyment that I got from weight training, it was easier to adjust my diet to get the results that I desired. I now eat much healthier and feel better and more energetic than before.

  19. why do people continue to smoke, overeat, take illegal drugs, miss out on sleep or practice unsafe sex?
    -people continue to smoke even though it's bad because it eases their stress and they got addicted to it.
    -people overeat because they watch TV or it bonds them with other people that love to eat.
    -people take illegal drugs because they may got introduced to it by friends and family members and makes them forget about their problems.
    -people miss out on sleep because of phones internet and stress in school or home.
    -people practice unsafe sex because maybe they weren't taught to use protection or their partner doesn't want to use protection.

    1. Hello Attisha,

      Thank you for speaking out about the reasons why people do these things. I blame most of it on stress, anxiety, and depression. Many times people go through so much in their life that they cannot handle it. They feel like smoking is the way to relieve what is going through in their lives. I wish people had more support and someone they can go to but they do not. It is sad the world is like this.

  20. Share some of your intention statements for maintaining your good health:
    One huge thing I do in maintaining good health is staying away from genetically motified foods also known as GMO's. GMO's can really scare a person if you do the research. Their are really harmful effects in these and knowing how this happens makes a person want to stay away from them. Another thing in maintaining good health someone can do is staying away or calming down from stress. Stress can bring many health problems so knowing how to calm down from it is a must. One thing that can damage a persons health is sugary drinks. It is really simple to trade these drinks with water. Doing an hour of exercise a day can really just help you stay health and also relieves a person from stress. Eating your fruits and vegtables is a must and also eating healthy snacks when the need to snack comes upon a person. Staying healthy is really simple, but the hardest part about it is staying in a mindset to tell yourself to do it.

  21. Knowing this information, why do people continue to smoke, overeat, take illegal drugs, miss out on sleep or practice unsafe sex?

    Everyone knows what is right or wrong. I feel like in society today, we take pride in doing things we know that is bad for us. I think it manages to make us feel like we have control and we are doing something bad. When looking at one that smokes, overeat, take illegal drugs, and miss out on sleep or practice unsafe sex, I feel like these are people that are unhappy in the world. It is sad because many times it is not their fault. Many women manage to overeat when they are stressed or depressed. It is an emotional thing. Some people take illegal drugs to give them happiness in the world. People that practice these negative things, I honestly cannot sit here and blame them. I do not know their lives and some people in this world have gone through so much pain that taking illegal drugs (even though I do not recommend this), they feel it is their only source for happiness. The people that have a lack of sleep can be through anxiety or stress.

  22. Assume that you are writing magazine article, "The Five Most Important Steps to Maintaining Your Good Health." What ideas would you include in this article?

    -eating healthy
    -going to school
    -get 8 hours of sleep
    -just be happy

    I would include exercise. By anyone in this world exercising, this will help them to relieve the stress and help with depression if they have it going on. I would also recommend good eating habits. This will allow for them to feel better. Going to school and for one to educate themselves might not be fun but it is so good for them. It is great to exercise the brain and keep them moving throughout the day. It is also important to get at least 8 hours of sleep a night. Many people are not sleeping enough which is causing them to be stressed out throughout the day and unable to function. Happiness is something that is easy to say but not to do. People need to be grateful for what they have and try to stay positive. That negative energy is so bad for a person.

  23. Knowing this information, why do people continue to smoke, overeat, take illegal drugs, miss out on sleep or practice unsafe sex?

    We all know the difference between right and wrong, but nobody chooses the right choice 100% of the time. If that was the case we would be living in a perfect world. I believe we choose the wrong over the right because we believe doing something wrong like smoke or overeat wont hurt us immediately and we do not think about our future as much as we should. We, as humans, tend to care about our peers more than ourselves most of the time. I have told many smokers tell me to never smoke and that people who smoke are idiots which is ironic. We want to protect our friends and family, but refuse to take our own advice sometimes. Other reason for drug use, in my opinion, is depression, anxiety and just people who are going through a rough time. People who are going through tough times tend to act in careless ways which would be drugs, overeating, unsafe sex, etc. The only category I fall under would be lack of sleep and that was caused by stress from school, which would be minimal stress compared to other people's stress i imagine. Overall I believe people choose to do wrong things because of stressful situations that makes them act in reckless behaviors.

  24. The answer to your question is very simple, I will answer them one by one. People continue to smoke because they enjoy doing so, they enjoy the satisfaction that cigarettes give them, and why shouldn't they smoke? If it makes them happy then let them be. People overeat, because they like food. Some food is so good that you can't stop eating. People take drugs because they like to get high, and some people use drugs to balance out the lows in their life. People don't sleep enough because they don't find enough time in the day to get things done. People continue to have unsafe sex because it is more comfortable than using a condom or other forms of birth control. All of these things have one thing in common, and that is that it gives them pleasure. At this day and age people know whats good and bad for them, being an adult you have the right to do what you want, life is very short and if it makes us happy I do not see why not. Of course there is a limit to everything and being smart with the decisions you make, I in no way advocate the use of drugs, unsafe sex or any of the other things above. I personally believe that all of these things are stupid, but some more tolerable than others. Drugs are 100% unacceptable, overeating is dumb, and having unsafe sex is just plain stupid, but why not stay out late, get drunk, have a smoke? As long as you know how to be responsible and at some point grow up and stay away from the things that will hurt you when your older, I think enjoying your youth in a responsible way even if it does include some of these things is tolerable.

    Staying healthy is very simple. We all know what should go in our bodies, and what should stay away. Eating an unhealthy meal every once in a blue moon will not kill you and actually should be done. Exercise is important, and should be done regularly. Try taking the bus to work or school one day or riding a bike, or even walking. Anything to incorporate some activity in your day should be done.

  25. #2
    I would like to inform the reader that it is very easy to gain weight and be obese. The issue with one out of three Americans being over weight is that they usually start at a young age. Most parents think if they resort to feeding their kids McDonalds it will make them happier. As these children get older it starts becoming a norm for them. Obesity is a big factor in the American society. I would advise most parents to avoid getting heir kids in that situation or they will risk becoming obese. In addition, technology has played a big part in obesity. Technology has made Americans very lazy and fat.

  26. I think people just tend to do what's convenient for them right at the moment. They do not think long term. They know fast food is bad for them, but they do not think of how it's going to add up, they think of how quick and cheap it will be to get, as well as how good it is going to taste. They smoke or take illegal drugs because of the immediate feeling they get, they aren't thinking of the come down, or how much it is going to affect their body later on. Same goes for unprotected sex; they just want the thrill of the moment. People think they're invincible or that things really can't happen to them. We all hear of unfortunate stories and think that it isn’t something that could happen to us, until it actually does or until it happens to somebody close. People tend to think if it is going to affect them, they’re going to die anyway and that it doesn't matter. I think the other thing people don’t focus on as much is the positive effects of not doing it, they don’t think how it could be eight more years of their life to spend with a grandchild, because that is not something that is directly happening to them yet.

  27. 5 Steps To Success

    Many individuals especially in America either smoke, are obese, use illicit drugs, or do not get enough sleep and therefor is under stress constantly. If I was to write an article on the 5 ways to avoid any number of these issues I would start step 1 by giving yourself a positive encouraging reminder every morning that you can surpass whatever struggle you are going through at the time. Next step 2 would be to form a plan on how to get through this obstacle in a realistic time period. The 3rd step is to finally take action and begin accomplishing your goal of surpassing the task. The 4th step is stay motivated. If it takes small reminders constantly from your peers or yourself then do it! Lastly, step 5 is to look back on how well you did trying to beat the problem that you tried identifying in step 1.

  28. Share some of your intention statements for maintaining your good health

    By doing the activity for this week I learned that I could live to be 90. To me, living to be 90 at the rate that I am “taking care” of myself seems pretty good. I know in order to stay healthy until I am 90, I need to make many changes. 
My intentions for maintaining better health are…

    To drink less
    Maintain a good relationship with my family and to see them more often.
    Get in a better physical shape
    Go to the gym more often
    Get my check ups at the doctors more
    Take vitamins
    Lose weight

    I feel if I try and keep myself healthy I will be able to keep myself to live past 90.
