Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Chapter 1, August 26-September 1

It was great meeting you on the blog last week and learning about your educational journeys. We have a great variety of students in the class and many different educational backgrounds. This diversity makes for interesting discussion and sharing of ideas.

For this week, share your ideas on motivation with other students in this course.

Please read Chapter 1 in CollegeScope before commenting on any of these questions. You can also write or ask questions about anything related to college and career success or comment on others students' postings. Remember to make 2 postings of 100 words minimum for each posting to get the full 20 points for the blog this week. Postings for this week are due before 11:59 p.m. on Sunday,  Sunday, September 1.    
1. How do you motivate yourself to be successful?
2. Are there some new ideas on motivation in Chapter 1 that you find interesting or helpful?
3. If you are thinking about dropping this class or dropping out of college, how can you motivate yourself to continue?
4. What are some roadblocks to your success and how can you overcome them?
5. Read comments posted by other students. Are any of their ideas useful to you?
You can also write anything about your experience in starting college or beginning this course. 


  1. There are many ways that I motivate myself to be successful. One of the ways is by making sure that I always have a positive attitude whenever anything happens, so I know that I can overcome anything. Another way is by telling myself to think about the life I can have if I become successful, and that pushes me to give my all in everything I do so I can become successful. If I was thinking about dropping out of class or college, I would motivate myself by thinking about what my life would be like without a college education, and that would push me to stay in school. I know the benefits of finishing school and that drives me to do well. Some roadblocks to success can be getting lazy, getting tired of school, and even stress. To overcome those situations I would tell myself all of the positives that come with finishing school, and that would make me realize that I need to snap out of it and stay in school. To overcome stress, I would just go and spend about a day doing something I enjoy doing to clear my mind of the stress that is going on.

    1. I really like your idea of how to relieve stress. You are right the best way to get rid of some stress is to take time to take care of yourself. A day at the beach or hanging out with friends is a great stress reliever. Going to Disneyland and being a kid again is also a great way to overcome stress. We just need to find some free time for ourselves on a weekly basis and that helps us to focus and succeed.

    2. I agree with you Dominic! Staying positive will definitely keep you motivated to keep attending college. And life will be so much more complicated if we don’t successfully graduate or stay in college. In the long run it will pay off to do the hard work now. Laziness and stress do make you want to drop out but if there’s nothing better you can do with yourself you might as well stick it out. And balancing your time will make it seem as if you’re not overwhelmed by work you don’t want to do. Stay positive!

  2. I motivate myself in a couple of different ways. One way I motivate myself is by thinking about my mom. She was came over here from the Philippines with nothing and she worked hard to get to where she is today. Another is my future and how worth everything I do is. In chapter one, some motivation I took was to never give up, especially when times are rough. If I were to think about dropping my class, my motivation would be to remember that in the end its worth it and to just push it through. Some roadblocks to my success would be how my mood is and when I don't understand the concept. Some ideas that helped me was from DOMINIC PANICCIA,"To overcome stress, I would just go and spend about a day doing something I enjoy doing to clear my mind of the stress that is going on." That is a really great idea and I plan to try it when I get stressed out.

    1. It is nice that you can look to your mother for motivation. You mother like others who came to our country are great role models for us. It is amazing on how hard they work to be successful in our country. Not only are they hard workers but they also have to learn the English language which is one of the hardest languages to learn because there are so many different rules. I admire all those who came here from other places and have made a success for themselves

  3. There are plenty of ways and things I do to motivate myself, such as keep a positive thought in my head telling myself even though the next obstacle in my life seems tough you just got to push your way through it. For instance my college education, its not going to be easy and just hand it to me I have to work my way up the ladder if I want to be successful and satisfy myself saying I did it because hard work pays off. The main thing in my life that motivates me is my family. I am the youngest of five and they always tell me this is your shot do something good with your life and don't get stuck in the grocery store business like we did. So I always think to myself do I really want that kind of life to be working in a store everyday for the rest of my life. Yes its good money but there is never anytime for fun or relaxation in your life your just constantly working from day to night 7 days a week. The person that motivates me the most is my oldest brother he doubles me by age and tells me everyday I talk to him on the phone, please do something with your life and don't get stuck like I did. Of course I want to be like my older brother but with a few adjustment in the business career.

    1. It sounds like your brother is giving you some great advice. While he enjoys working in the grocery store it is very hard work with long hours each day. Your brother is speaking to you from experience and he wants you to do better than he did. You can still be that business man but one with a degree.

    2. Thanks Micheal, yea that's what I am shooting for.

  4. I motivate myself to be successful by thinking about my goal and all the things that will come of it if i succeed in that. This chapter reading was mostly all things I felt like I already knew but it was a refresher to read them over and remind myself to stay positive especially in regards to school and studying. When I thought about dropping from college I sat and thought about everything I would be giving up and realized quickly that it wasn't what I wanted to do. A roadblock for me is definitely my drive to concentrate. I have a hard time focusing too long on textbooks and quickly and easily find something else I would rather be doing. I need to set aside certain times for reading and homework and avoid procrastination if possible. Reading about everyone elses motivation is really actually pretty motivational in itself.

    1. I agree with you, sometimes it is hard to sit and read a textbook and I too like to procrastinate and put things off.

  5. I have many ways that I motivate myself to be successful. Usually, when I want something I will do nothing but work towards that goal until I achieve it. I realize what could hinder me and I try to work my way around those things or through them. I also think about my parents and how hard they try to keep me in school and take care of me and my family. There weren't many idea from Chapter 1 that I found too interesting because I've heard or known most of them from before. It was a nice reminder to some things that i may have forgotten, though. I know for a fact I will never drop out of college because I've been through more difficult things in my life and have been able to carry on without quitting. College is just another obstacle in my path. Roadblocks I can see that could become an issue would be the fact that I become extremely lazy when I come home from work. And I know that I have work that is due the next day that I have to finish. I need to work on becoming motivated after work to take care of school work or finish my schoolwork before I go to work. The way I get rid of my stress is usually hanging out with friends and playing video games. Other students ideas are great and I may try them out.

  6. I motivate myself everyday from the littlest things to the biggest. How i motivate myself is by thinking positive. If something steps in the way of me from doing something good, that just makes me want to get it done even more. When things get harder i try harder. If i were to try and drop out of college i would just tell myself that if i drop out i am not going to be making the amount of money i would be if i don't drop out. Some roadblocks might be money problems, family problem. I know if there were any roadblocks to step in my way i would fight harder to get around them.

  7. First of all I believe that I am a motivated person. I have motivated myself to take this course along with another this semester in order to get ahead and to be able to prepare myself for future classes. There are not too many students in high school that want to take on extra and most want to have an easy senior year and skate by, however that is not my plan. I already have some of my football team mates telling me that I am crazy for taking all of the classes I am signed up for. This year in high school I am taking AP Calculus, Physics and Physiology. While I could take an easy load as a Senior I chose not to because I realize in the long run that these classes will only help me in my future studies. I am hoping to take the AP Calculus test at the end of the year and hoping to pass it and place out of calculus in college. In order to be successful in my classes I will get extra help if needed by going to the instructor at lunch or after school. I also plan on joining the Math Club which will be beneficial because I will be exposed to extra problems and more practice in solving them. If I still need more help my parents will get me a private tutor who I have used over the years. While most students don’t take physics I realize it is better to get exposed to the basics of this subject, while in high school so that it will be easier when I see it again in college. Another way that I am going to be motivated this year in high school is that I am going to do everything possible to get an A or B in my Senior English class because if I do I will be able to go directly into English 120 and not have to take a placement test for English.

  8. I motivate myself to be a success because I want to get a degree so that I can get a good job and be able to provide for myself and my family. My parents both have successful careers so in a sense they have been a positive role model for me. I see what they have and what they have given to me and my siblings and I want to be able to do the same for my family, when I have one. I realize it takes a lot of hard work, discipline and studying to get to where I eventually want to be. If I will ever get to the point that I want to drop out of college I will take a deep breath and focus on the positives of staying in school and pushing myself to succeed. I don’t want to just settle for the bare minimum in my life because I know that I am capable of doing more. While some people are happy with labor jobs and that is the best they can do, I don’t want to go that route. I want to be a professional and be successful. I know that I can do it but I am realistic and know that it is not going to be an easy road and that there will be many roadblocks ahead. To date I have had some roadblocks in my education. I did not learn to speak until I was almost three years old and I have a history of dyslexia. I attended reading and writing therapy from kindergarten through 5th grade. While I still have problems in reading and writing I continue to try my best and always give one hundred percent in everything that I do. I have learned to be an advocate for myself and I have learned to reach out to others for help. While some may be too embarrassed to ask for help that is not me, I will ask for help and even more help until I succeed at what I am doing. I believe that there is no limit to what a person can do if they set their mind to it. You have to truly want something and believe that you can do and you will succeed.

  9. I am impressed with all the courses you are taking and your motivation. I'm hoping all students will ask questions and get help when they need it.

  10. I think it is interesting that Chapter 1 states you should think positively about your success rather than what will bring you down. Usually I just let interruptions that I have going on in my life set me back. For example, I was on this blog yesterday but my computer stopped working. I restarted it and rebooted everything but I couldn’t post on this blog for the life of me! Luckily I saved one of my responses in Microsoft word. Just being able to have something that I’ve already completed on the computer when its shutting down made me feel better about the situation. I had to think positively about my computer not letting me do my work. I didn’t have to start completely all over again. And then when I tried to post earlier it still didn’t work. Usually I would just give up and take a lower grade. But here I am on the discussion board! It really helps to just see a positive in something you think is negative about school. I read Lindsay’s comment about thinking of your goals and how beneficial it will be later on if you succeed. That idea is very useful for me. If I see myself continuing college and graduating that will lead to my career I really want to achieve. I will be better off and feel better off doing what I will accomplish. Seeing the bigger picture gives a lot of motivation.

  11. 1. I motivate myself to be successful my envisioning my success and then work hard to turn my vision into a reality. I want to be happy and I found something that’s brings me joy and purpose and whatever I do I can never let my dream fade and I will not let anything get in my way of my pursuit of happiness, I am motivated by my passion.

    2. Before I because dedicated to my training I looked up how to stay motivated and reading the material in the college was really refreshing, everything in the chapter is very useful information that everyone should read, I’m glad it was all in one place to read again.

    3. If I drop out of this class, I cannot train and that is not an option no matter what even if im in a class that I can’t stand to be in I’ll just suck it up because the hate of anything cannot compare to the fulfillment of my training and I will do anything to continue.

    4. Road block include; Injury-Train even though you are injured, if you can walk you can train, if I can’t walk then I will do everything in my power to get better. Burnout-Doing too much training you get mentally roasted and your body turns against you, I will train my boxing or kick boxing or I will run or do yoga whatever will advance me in my goal.

    5. One of the students said you must have a positive attitude whenever anything bad happens and that is so important in life. “Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It is a very mean and nasty place and it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is going to hit as hard as life. But it ain't how hard you hit; it's about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward. How much you can take, and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done.” – Rocky Balboa

    1. Hello Justin,

      You need to always have a positive attitude within anything that happens in life. I see many people give up and get discouraged because they do not know what to do or how to do it. I think this easily happens to the best of us and it should not be this way. We are all going to go through challenges within this class and within the next couple of years. Things will happen that we do not want to happen. We manage to give up school as our first thing which should not happen.

  12. 1. I motivate myself to be successful by focusing on the person i want myself to be. i dont focus on who i used to be, or who i even am today, but the potential i have. Motivation is a key aspect in my life, it is what drives me to do many things. It is also what makes me very competitive. i have many goals and dreams, and there is no way of fulfilling those dreams without motivation. I am very motivated by competition. It makes me innovative and gives me the need to be better. I also motivate myself by parental assistance by my father. Without his help i'd be lost. He is my mentor and my partner.
    2. There are plenty of ideas in chapter one that i found very interesting and helpful. One thing that i will start applying to my life as soon as possible is making perfection a habit. I will set up a time to do daily tasks and complete it everyday. This is very helpful and interesting. I want to make certain things a daily habit, just like brushing my teeth. I cant go through my day without brushing my teeth in the morning.
    3. Dropping out of college is a last resort for me, so answering this question is a little hard. But if i were to ever consider dropping out of college, i would speak to many different sources before i did it. If it was logical and beneficial to drop out, i would do so. I would make sure it was before i did it though. And if it wasnt logical, then i would continue with my college education.
    4. Some roadblocks to my early stages of success, believe it or not, is college. The reason why i say this is because i plan on opening my own business soon. I will be getting hands-on experience, outside of school. Completing my general education is a distraction and a time-waster for me. I wish i could just start gaining knowledge in my actual major. But as i look at this topic in a future-perspective, i realize that it will turn out to be very beneficial. Knowledge is knowledge.
    5. It is very interesting reading other students ideas and writings. Somebody quoted Rocky Balboa. That is a great quote about life in general, and it is also very true. Life is all about a test of strength and faith. Having a positive attitude is very important. Psychology proves that having a positive attitude in life is very beneficial.
    "Hakuna Matata." - Timon and Pumba

  13. How do I motivate myself to be successful? Well I motivate myself by going to college and learning new things. And I also think positively toward the future. Also before I study I look for interesting thing so I can be motivated about studying. Achievement for me is a motivate because every time you think about achieving then I think you can work hard and do your best to achieve your dream and your goal. And also if I work hard enough then eventually I would achieve my dreams and goals. And I think if you castrate enough I think you would pass and achieve your dreams.

  14. Are there some new ideas on motivation in Chapter 1 that I find interesting or helpful? Well, I think yea there are some that I didn’t know that would motivate me. One of them was if you work hard enough then eventually you would reach your goals. I thought this was helpful because if you don’t work hard enough then you won’t reach your dream. When it comes to education nothing comes easy if you don’t work hard for it. The second I thought was helpful was think positively about the future. I thought this was important because if you think positively then you will do go and think positive. But if you don’t think positive then I think you would not constrate on the positive thing and that the things that are important for you.

  15. 1. Motivation is a useful tool for each and every person it have and use actively in life.One of the main reasons I have motivation is because I know I have a purpose. I read this book that states, "If you are still breathing, You still have a purpose." Knowing that I have a purpose in what I do motivates me to do my best in whatever I do. Another way I motivate myself is by remembering that I cannot relive the past. It is motivation since it reminds me that when I finish a paper or anything that I do not want to do I do not have to go through that thing again. Looking to the future is one great motivation I have. Looking at the future when you achieve goals and the will for your life just lets you know that when you get through whatever you are going through now will get you to the future.
    -Jennifer Waugh

    1. Hello Jennifer,

      You have a great point. You need to always remember your purpose and interest in why you are doing this. I see a lot of people giving up because they do not know their purpose or incentive in going to school. Sometimes we need to remind ourselves to always push and do what we want to do.

  16. 4. I look at roadblocks in success as hurdles in a race. In those roadblocks I cannot go around them, I have to go through them. Those roadblocks are what I believe makes a person stronger and wise. I have gone through some roadblocks in my life that I just had to get through to succeed. One of the main roadblocks was earlier this last year when my father unexpected had to go to the hospital. I was finishing up my senior year of high school and we suddenly were told by the doctors that he had around a twenty percent chance of surviving. Any normal person this would make them lack in their studies, but for me this was no option. I had to go over this hurdle. I had to put my hope in the Lord that His will would be what was best for me and the rest of my family. In this roadblock, I had to excel and do my best in anything that comes my way even when my life was going through a storm. Another roadblock I have had is having a negative attitude. When having a negative attitude it can effect everyone around you and yourself. The first step is to realize that you are being negative and the second step is change your negativity into positivity. I could do this by thinking how blessed I am to live in this country and have a live that some people in other countries dream of.
    -Jennifer Waugh

    1. It was great that you were able to persist even though your father was ill. I'm sure he would have wanted the best for you and to continue your studies. I also like your comparison of roadblocks to success as hurdles you have to go through. These hurdles are uncomfortable, but make you stronger.

  17. There are so many people in this world that will start school and manage to quit. It is sad but unfortunately this happens all the time. Someone fails a class and we get discouraged from pushing ourselves and trying to do something great with our future. In order to motivate myself to being successful, I always write down my goals on a sheet of paper. I have this on my frig so I can always look at it day in and day out. It is great to also have someone there to push you as well. It is important to have people within your life making you strive as well. You need someone to hold you accountable to this. I have seen so many people give up without looking at the bigger picture within school. People will get a new job and think they do not need school. I think this is the biggest problem as a whole society has. Just because you got a great job does not mean anything. We always need to have a back up plan.

  18. We will all go through the idea at one point in our lives where we will feel discouraged. It could be because of an instructor or because of someone telling us we cannot do it. We might fail a class and say, "what is the point?" It is always important to stay positive about everything. Roadblocks can be people telling us we should not do this, life commitment, friends, etc. The best part about college, we can go to school online. We need to use this for our advantage to still work and strive while going to school. Some classmates bring up a great point. It is the best thing not to procrastinate when it comes to turning in assignments and doing work. We will go through depression or manage to pull an all nighter which is not fun at all. Managing time is critical within one's success.

  19. The main thing I do to motivate myself to be successful is constantly thinking about fulfilling my dream. Just the thought of being in the criminal justice field as a career gives me bigger strides to become successful in college. My parents have an impact on me being successful as well, because they’ve always pushed me to do well in school and to get a degree. If I was thinking about dropping out of college there are many ways for me to motivate myself to finish. What would motivate me to continue college is to look at the pros and cons of having a college degree and not having one.

    1. When you have a dream that you are motivated to achieve, obstacles seem nothing more than a bump in the road and you know that they will not stop you, stick to bro and fulfill your dream. I imagine that there would be nothing more fulfilling than turning a dream into a reality.

  20. Throughout my college semester’s I’ve had many roadblocks come in my way. One roadblock was working and helping support my family. At one point it got very tough for me to be successful in school while having a full time job to support my family. I overcame this roadblock by using my time valuably and not go out with my friends as much. I figured if I barely had time to be successful in school as well as support my family I would have to make sacrifices, which are not to hang out with my friends as much. I started to see major changes in my grades when I was concentrating more on my schoolwork.

    1. I admire you for being able to support a family while still going to college. I think it is good that you are working hard to make your situation better, and not just accepting what you have. I also work full time, so I know the struggles that come from trying to balance work, school, and social time. I work full time work and almost a full time student so my social time is very limited. It motivates me to know that others are out there and also work full time and still manage to get through college.

  21. the main thing that is my motivation is like I said in my journal, but to share it for others. Everyday during my high school journey and still in my last year, I pass the tree where Danielle Van Dam was found. I blow her a kiss and say R.I.P. I also think to myself and say yeah I did have a really bad day or this class is to hard or I cant run today or I don't want to, no matter how bad it is. I know that she would rather be put through my hard times just so she could be alive or just to say goodbye. I realize that yeah I may have it really bad sometimes but I need to live to the fullest and that I need to be happy for what I have for it could all be a taken away and this story just motivates me to want to do all I can for me and to for her because she cant. -Ashley Toedt- Wiley

    1. We all need to stop and appreciate the good things that we have. Just being alive presents us with many opportunities. Your story about Danielle is a good reminder of how precious life is and not to waste it.

  22. I motivate myself by thinking of my future goals and plans. I am excited to get my degree in mechanical engineering and hopefully move on to business later in life. I see engineering as a way to gain knowledge, gain experience, and as a way to save money for opening a business. I am naturally a motivated person, so I do not believe that it will be too hard for me to stick it out. I do not feel like the chapter taught me anything new, but it was still helpful to see it all in one place. Normally I try to find the positive aspect of all my classes and I know that this really helps me. I try to find a way that I can use the new knowledge and apply it at work and in my daily life. I enjoy working while going to school, but it makes it much harder to focus on school. To get through work and school, I need to make sure that I don’t over stretch myself with too many classes. I am excited for what will come in my future, and I know that I need to stay motivated in order for my dreams to become a reality.

  23. I motivate myself through intrinsic motivation. I believe everyone has a dream that gives them a sort of nostalgia or longing for only that dream in particular. In my case I'd like to travel the world, meet great minds, and experience different urban culture - so whenever I feel down or unmotivated I go to the outskirts of downtown and look at the skyline. Seeing it makes me want to experience the skylines of other cities like tokyo and paris, so I buckle down and take action. In chapter 1 I found the whole intrinsic vs extrinsic motivation to be very interesting, and looked up on it in more detail. If I were to think about dropping this class i'd just tell myself to buckle through, since it is one step closer to finally grabbing my childhood nostalgia. Some roadblocks are the amount of time in the day, when I work 16 hour work days there is little time to do much on that particular day. To make up for it, I focus and get everything done at once on my rare days of availability. So far reading other comments, there has been a couple people that I feel I can relate to.

  24. Starting college I didn't have much motivation in my studies or personal life. I just idly let opportunity slip away when I should have tried harder to grasp them, like getting a loan to go to a university rather than a JC. Then my studies were slipping because I had too much pride to buckle down and do things that I thought were a waste of my time, like homework. With little effort I can pass tests - but passing isn't enough. So I started working at the end of my second semester and took my third semester off to find out what I wanted to do with my life. I was a minimum wage worker with not a whole lot of hope left, but on a whim when classes started up again I decided to do business management with my friend since in the workplace I tend to be a natural leader. After switching my major and working hard to go to school and work I realized I want to be a part of management. I love networking and helping people achieve their goals, which are great traits for a boss to have. The joy I get from others and being a mentor, along with nostalgia, often motivates me to continue what I do. Now I work two jobs and am helping a start up brand, making over 30k a year, still being 20, and pursing a degree. Through a huge thick cloud of unknowing miraculously came clarity and my motivation is constantly enhanced by the optimists I associate with. It's been a rough path but all my hardships so far have lead to growth and becoming a better person.

  25. There are many ways I can motivate myself to be successful. Going into my first semester of college last year, I had a lot of motivation going into it, then it just died down as the semester went on so it was tough for me that whole semester. This semester is a little bit different though. About 8 months ago my father passed away from a major heart attack. Growing up my Dad always wanted me to go to school and get an education. So this has been my major motivation. I want to get my degree in Business, go on to the real world and start my life to make my father proud. Also my mother has been a big motivation to me so far also, I am going to complete college just so I can put a huge smile on her face when she see's her son walking off stage with her diploma.

    1. Family can be a good source of motivation. Make your Dad and your Mom proud.

  26. There are many roadblocks that I have stumbled upon so far in my college career, Since my father passed away 8 months ago. I run the family business and work 40 plus hours a week, just to provide for my family. Along with running the family business comes a lot of stress. Trying to make ends meet every single month just so we can have a roof over our heads and food on our table! I would say that has been my biggest roadblock so far, to either leave work and focus 100% on my school, or do both. This semester I have managed to get almost all online classes, and some of them are required for my major! I am now a full time student and trying my hardest to get a 4.0 this semester. I am a smart kid, I just tend to be lazy most of the time so now that I have motivation by my side anything is possible for me!

    1. Working 40 hours a week and being a full time student is maybe too much of a load. It can cause stress and possibly you won't do as well as you could. Why not take 6 units a semester? This is the max we recommend for students working full time.

  27. the one main thing that I learned from chapter one is that you can think positively about your college success. it has showed me that when I think positively about it will make me feel better about the fact that I am going into college and that it will help me so much later in life. it showed me all the positive things that you can get out of college not only in the education but by far how much more money you are able to make with a degree than without one. this has really has had a big impact on how I look at all the different ways college is an even better thing to do.

    1. Your mental mindset changes your perspective on life and perspective is everything, learning how to dictate your mindset is a very valuable tool, “fake it until you make it” pest piece of advice I learned during psychology.

  28. I have always been a believer that your words and thoughts have power. Speaking negatively or having negative thoughts will determine your outcome. I like to speak positivity into existence. Thats something I carry through this education journey I am on. I wasn't the best high school student, so i often questioned how smart I was, doubted myself A LOT! At 26 I'm am confident in my abilities, not because I am the smartest but because I am motivated to be the best nurse I can be. I entered into the medical assistant program on my 26th birthday, that was the day I said I am going to give this 100%, I wanted to do good to prove to myself that I was smart, I just lacked motivation. I maintained honors the entire program and graduated with the highest GPA in my class. I was determined to prove myself wrong. Motivation got me there!

  29. I have learned to not make any excuses for myself anymore. I believe road blocks are only that in my life if I allow them to be. I spent so many years coming up with excuses as to why I couldn't go back to school, from being a full time mother of 2 while my husband was always deployed or because I didn't have the time or resources. Anything going on in my life became a excuse. Im to the point now where I cant make excuses anymore. I just have to do it and let the rest work itself out. Without determination or motivation I don't believe any of us could get through school or reach our full potential.

  30. Some of the ways I motivate myself is by constantly thinking about where I'm at in life and where I want to be. I know the only way to get where I want to go in by going to college. In chapter one , one of the major point they talk about is staying positive. I believe this a big thing. If your thought are negative, you actions are going to be negative as well. Stress is going to be a big obstacle for me this semester. I'm self-employed and work about 35 hours a week and a single mother. One of the ways I'm finding after these 2 weeks to relieve some stress is my son and I have a no homework movie night once a week. I work hard all week to get my homework done just so we can have this one night stress-free. If I was to think about dropping out of college, I would remind myself the benefit of having a college degree. I could look into what kind of life I could live without an college education. Also I wouldn't want the hard work and effort I have already put in to be a waste of time.

    Anjelika Ramirez

    1. Hey Ajelika, I also consider my situation right now and where I will be and it is a great motivator to think that way. We all want freedom and financial security when we achieve our goals and I believe that is the reason we go to college to get an education.

  31. I think that you can be a very inspirational person Vanessa. Even though I have not yet determined what I want to do for my career or what my major is going to be I feel like i can relate to you. In high school I didn't always get the best grades and I feel that it is partially because I did not have the motivation to do some of the work.I think that part of the reason why I didn't have the motivation was because at the time I didn't realize how your future is so impacted by everyday choices like deciding not to do homework or not doing your chores. Though now I am starting to realize that if you don't do something today then you will just have to do it tomorrow and sometimes you can start thinking about all of the things that you have to do and start stressing you out.

  32. There was one idea on motivation in Chapter One that I thought was very useful even though I might have heard it before. Though I am sure I have heard about the idea before I think I probably forgot about it and so when I was reading about it when I was reading chapter one I thought it was really good. One of the ideas that I thought was really good was that if you have a big goal like getting your college degree you can break that big goal up into smaller goals to make it seem less overwhelming and also a lot less stressful.I feel like this will be very useful to me because I am a person who will go through and makes sure that she remembers everything that she has to do and then I start to stress out. Once I start stressing out I don't want to do anything and I typically wind up not doing anything. Since I don't do much for that day then it piles it up and then I continue to stress out. So this idea will help to cause a lot less stress.

  33. Chapter one made me think about habits in college. I need to quit procrastination because I sometimes do not use my time wisely. Sometimes there are personal things in life that other people cannot understand or even professors can't understand and they assume I didn't put much effort in my work. My motivation for finishing my career is financial security and achievement. I would like to have a family that I can take care of because I achieved my goals. Life is hard sometimes when I visualize future success nobody can stop me from doing what I have to do. I live far away from college and just by waking up really early and be in class on time is important to me.

    1. I agree with you on procrastination. Sometimes it can be very hard!

    2. I agree that procrastination isn't good.its something that I want to stop doing also.because a lot can pile up on you if you don't do your work on time.I want to help support my family too.college helps because of financial aid.college makes you financially secure and independent, doing things on your own.I know getting my education won't be that easy mutual can't quit.because I know me and my family can benefit from my success.

  34. I am not a religious person but I believe that God exists. I think positively and pray for persistence and that is a good start. Honestly, achieving my degree is easy because all it takes is time and focus. Chapter one asks me if money or achievement is what drives me to get a degree and I said both. I think nobody would go to a university or college if there wasn't any financial incentive to it. I know for fact that I will feel achievement when I graduate and it is something that I promised to someone very special to me.

    1. I completely agree with being positive, praying, and being persistent help in motivating someone and something I do as well. And I also answered both finances and achievement both motivate me on finishing my education as well.

  35. I try to keep motivated by staying positive and looking at the bigger picture. Going through the every day struggle with can be hard at times, but thinking about graduation and my life after keeps me motivated. I really believe staying positive is the best way to keep motivated. Having a positive mindset makes me over mood better. When I don’t feel like going to class one day I try to think of material I will miss out on and how hard it will be to get caught up. I keep myself enrolled in my classes by thinking how my life would be affected without an education. Without an education, I know l won’t be able to support myself and that family I plan to have one day. I am not ok with making my family suffer for my mistakes or my laziness. Thinking about a life without an education keeps me from getting lazy. When I have a class I do not want to attend and just want to stay home I think about how much it will affect my grade. Sometimes it can be stressful but I try to reward myself for the good things I do in school. For instance, a good grade on a really hard test I will treat myself to a new outfit. To relieve my stress I try to do my homework or study at the beach. I feel like taking a day to sit by the water really calms me down and makes me realize the bigger picture isn’t far away.

  36. The way that I keep myself motivated in school is by focusing on the goals that I have set for myself in life. I know that if I want to become an actuary I need to stay focused and be successful. When I didn't feel like studying for my ACT I reminded myself that if I want to reach my goal of going to UCLA then I needed to have a competitive score therefore I needed to study. Another thing that motivates me is competition. If one of my friends gets a better score on a test it motivates me to study harder for the next test so that I will be able to do better then them. The thing that really interested me in chapter one was the section about studying methods. This week I am going to find a quite area in my home where I can study and stay focused. I am also going to start putting check marks on my notes whenever my mind starts to wander while studying. Hopefully as this semester progresses the number of check marks will decrease.

  37. To motivate myself to stay in this class and college in general I will remind myself that the rewards of completing this class and college are worth more then all the stress I may be in. I will also keep in mind that in order to be able to get a career that I will enjoy I need to have a college education. I also agree with Christian Tovar, going to college always has some sort of financial incentive to it. Whether or not we would like to admit it money is probably on the mind of many students in college. One more thing from the chapter that really resonates with me is was the part about intrinsic motivation. My mother always reminds me every day that my life is completely about the choices and decisions that I make, whether they be good or bad.

    1. I think reminding yourself of the reward at the end is very motivating. I also think that it'll be over soon and I would be doing something I really enjoy and not working at somewhere I hate.

      Antonio Franco

  38. There are a few things I do during the school year to keep me motivated. Like other students, my number one motivation is looking ahead to my future. I keep telling myself that if I keep pushing forward in school it will really pay off in the end. Just as we saw in chapter 1 with the studdies of college student yearly pay vs college dropout pay. Another motivation I give myself is the satisfaction of knowing how great it feels to finish my work on time. This is an important one because I am notorious for leaving things to the last minute, not because I forget about it but because I typically cannot find the motivation to sit down and fully complete it. It is so rearding knowing that your homework and projects are done ahead of time and you have time to relax or catch up on other things. Motivation has always been a real struggle for me. It didnt start until college at sdsu but that is when it really mattered. Having six classes and projects, essays, homework and exams weekly was really hard to keep up with. For this up coming year I am going to try a few new things to help keep myself motivated. For one I am not going to work as much during school. Last year I was working around 20 plus hours a week during school. I really felt the struggle all year long trying to balance between school and work. For this next year I am going to not work as much and really focus on school. I plan on working around 10-15 hours a week tops. I am a lifeguard and swim instructor at a ymca, and although I love my job it is a lot to handle with school. It looks like I share similar motivation goals as others. The most common being that we are looking towards our future to help us get through school. Although it may seem impossible now, it will be so rewarding in the end, just as it proved in chapter one reading. It gave us statistics on college graduates yearly pay and college drop outs yearly pay. That was another motivation assuring me that I am going to college for a really good reason. I plan on working for the government or feds and having a really beneficial job.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. 1. It is very plain and simple how I motivate myself. The first thing I do is tell myself that I am very smart and capable on doing anything I set my mind to. If you think positively, positive outcomes will come to you. Secondly, I follow a motto that is very motivating: "Bring it on." Thirdly, I remember that I am the first to go to college, so I am very fortunate which motivates me to do my best in college when my family did not have the opportunity to.
    2. I realized in Chapter 1 the ways to learn better in a classroom can also motivate me to perform better on assignments. I find it very helpful when other students participate in class because I understand the material better. By focusing more during class, some rewards I can obtain are getting good grades and having a great day.
    3. I do not think I will ever be tempted to drop out of college. It is very important for young adults to attend college and to be successful in life. In order to achieve my college goals, motivation will help me be very persistent and show improvement in my work. Ways that I can do so is to be very efficient in my assignments and also do my best on them.
    4. A student in this class previously discussed roadblocks as hurdles in a race. That is a perfect example of what challenges are. You have to go through them and not around them. Challenges in life shape personalities. I truly believe that the roadblocks in my life helped me become a stronger and wiser student. I am the first to attend college out of my whole family. One challenge that I had to overcome was going through the college process by myself, but it made me become very independent.
    5. Another student quoted: “Hakuna Matata.” –Timon and Pumba. It means no worries. This quote is very useful to me because I motivate myself to be happy and to not worry. Therefore, always looking on the brighter side.

  41. The biggest motivation I’ve been able to create for myself has always come from an inner-want of something or desire. Or what I’ve come to learn, intrinsic motivation. So I choose to line up most of my goals to achieve what I desire. That way when things are rough, I can look at them from a bigger perspective, and notice the importance of achieving the task at hand. Another form of motivation has always been self-appreciation. Whenever I achieve something even if it’s little, it’s nice to truly appreciate what has gotten done and be proud of oneself. It’s important to notice how much has already been achieved instead of fretting what still needs to be done. I struggle a bit with extrinsic motivation, but I’ve learned to give myself incentives earlier prior to waiting till the end of the week, and that’s seemed to improve my motivation.

  42. The main roadblock that I’ve always had to face is myself, and my attitude. If I find something to be a waste of time, or I don’t see it as immediately helping me, I have a hard time getting it done or following through. I can be really flighty with finishing projects, and I do work in bursts of energy, and procrastinate a lot. However an awareness of this does help, because I know that it is something I need to work on. With that knowledge, I’m able to work around my bad behaviors and set up ways to get around them. I create different deadlines than the original to make sure I get things done ahead of time, and so that I feel pressured to actually sit through and finish things early, so if there are any set backs I’ll have time to fix and analyze projects. I also remind myself that there is a lesson that can be taken from everything depending on the way it’s looked at, and that nothing really is essentially useless.

  43. 1. I motivate myself to succeed by constantly reminding myself of the end prize, which would be doing something I love. I also do try to keep myself on a positive note without being too hard on myself.
    2. The ideas I read in Chapter 1 were I ideas that I do know about and I do think that they are helpful but I know me and what I am doing so far has worked for me.
    3. Well I have dropped out of school for a while and now that helps motivate me to keep going this time around. I also remind myself that I am going to do it so wouldnt it just be better to just get it over with right now.
    4. Some road blocks that I have encountered to my success have been finances and having to work to be able to go to school and my health, as I had some health issues that made me put school on hold for a while. I overcame my health issue by dealing with the problem and committing uninterrupted time to overcome it. My finances I was able to work and discipline myself to save the money I needed to come back to school.
    5. I have see some ideas that I have tried to motivate myself but so far what I am doing is working, but there are some interesting ones. I do agree with everyone, however, saying that you do need a positive attitude.

  44. I am motivated by seeing other students getting their education.it let's me know that I am not the only one working to live my dreams.its not easy when you are finally taking responsibility in your life.the 1st year in college is about taking control of what you want to become.can't depend on others to handle everything for you.in college you decide what you want to learn and apply to your life.these are the things I am learning.I will not give up.I am in college to find my career while being a role model.I want other girls to have faith in what they want to be, try stepping out on their own like me.have to work for what your dreams so I will keep going.I will remain positive on my journey in college.positivity is key!

  45. I am motivated by my family and myself I am a first generation college student and that motivates me to set the standard for my family and future family as well. Some of the things i found out that intrested me was looking at the positve and negatives of each situation and how to keep yourself motivated by rewarding yourself. If i was ever thinking of dropping out of college a way i would keep myself focused and motivated will be by picturing my future and thinking of the constant everyday struggle that i would face with no education. A roadblock in my success would be overcoming the homework and boring times classes would bring but to overcome that i would find things that interset me in the class and research background information on each subject.

  46. Motivation for me has always come from inside. I have always had a desire to be better than the person next to me or if I'm competing in something, I want to be better than my opponent. From what I have read this is described as intrinsic motivation. The fact that I left a four year university to try to pursue what I love in life is a constant reminder to me of where I want to be in the future. Throughout this process I have encountered roadblocks. From not being able to transfer to another four year right away to not being able to get registered for classes in time there will always be things in life that try to knock you down. I have learned that no matter how many times you do get knocked down all that matters is if you get right back up and keep going.

  47. When it comes to facing difficult roadblocks in life I feel as a person these roadblocks define you. Someone can choose to let the roadblock stop them or they can do whatever they can to overcome the situation. When they choose the latter, he or she will feel a sense of passion for overcoming a problem that was tough. Roadblocks to me are a huge reason why I am where I am today.

    1. I couldn't agree more with what you said! the obstacles we face make us who we are today and without those we are not us. it seems like you have had a lot of motivation in your life to get to where you are today and I know it did not come easy which is why I am a strong believer in "hard work pays off". Staying self motivated is something I have been doing all my life and something i will continue to do all my life. Good luck with your future sir!

  48. Motivation is something I have always had inside of me. I am motivated to to go school, get and education, get a degree and do all that for the future because i know one day i am going to have a family i need to support. One way to always stay motivated is to think about the goals you set and the prize at the end of the tunnel. if you really want to reach your goals you are going to need to fight through obstacles like many of us have before. Nobody said it would be easy and when times get tough I always think back to why I started and it motivates me that much more.
