Monday, September 16, 2013

Chapter 4, Exploring Interests and Values, Sept. 16-2

Hello Students,
For this week, choose any two topics below.
Comment on a successful decision you have made and how it matched your values.
Comment on an unsuccessful decision you made and how it did not match your values.
Comment on another student's post. Can you add to their comment or raise new questions?
Read the following 2 scenarios and comment on one of them. Based on the individual’s values, give your opinion about what would be the best decision.

Scenario 1: What should be my major?

Shawn is twenty years old and has completed two years of college. He has been trying to decide whether to major in engineering or music. He has completed all of his general education requirements as well as several courses in music, math, and physics. As a child, Shawn was interested in science and dreamed of making new inventions. He always took things apart to see how they worked. Math was always easy for Shawn, and he received awards for achievement in science. He also took part in band throughout his school years and learned to play several instruments. As a teenager, he had a garage band and became so interested in playing the piano that he spent two hours a day practicing. Shawn’s dilemma was that he was becoming stressed out trying to do both majors and
no longer had time to do well in both music and engineering. He also wanted to have time to get a part-time job in order to become more independent. Shawn’s top five values are being independent and living on his own, having a secure future, doing interesting work, achieving something important, and being able to relax. Based on his values, what major should Shawn choose?

Scenario 2: Should Maria continue her education?

Maria is a married mother of two young boys ages five and seven and a part-time college student. Maria and her husband, Juan, are very proud of their Mexican heritage and value their marriage and family. They both think that it is important for Maria to spend time with the children. Maria learned to speak English as a second language and has made sure that her children speak both English and Spanish. While the children are in school, Maria has been attending college part-time with the goal of becoming a teacher’s aide in a class for bilingual children. She has some experience as a teacher’s aide and gets a great deal of satisfaction from helping the children. Juan works in construction, and the family has sacrificed to come up with the money to pay for Maria to attend college. Maria has struggled to earn her associate’s degree and is proud of her accomplishments. She values her education and wants her children to do well in school. Now Maria is considering continuing her education to earn the bachelor’s degree so that she can become a teacher. She would enjoy having her own classroom, loves working with children, and would have a higher income as a teacher than she would as a teacher’s aide. Maria’s husband is concerned that she will spend too much time at college and will not be home for the children. He is also relieved that Maria has finished college and plans to work part-time to supplement the family income while the children are in school. Should Maria continue her education and earn a bachelor’s degree?


  1. One of my values is maintaining a good health and being fit. Before this semester started, I was going to gym for at least an hour a day, five days a week. However, when school started, finding time to go to the gym became a challenge for me. My schedule was so busy that I found myself in the gym only about once or twice a week. I made a decision to change that. I decided to wake up at 5 a.m. every morning to go to the gym, and it worked! I am now getting the results I want and I feel energized for the rest of the day.

    1. Hey Zabdiel. That was a great decision for you to make. Working out is very under-rated, especially in American society today. Believe it or not, sweating while exercising fights cancer, by removing acidic waste from the body! it also gives you mental clarity. Keep it up man.

    2. Hi Zabdiel. I think that it is really good that you do that. I am often preached to about losing weight and getting in shape by my family members. It often gets frustrating because of how often I hear it. Don't get me wrong I love them and how they try so much it's just seems so hard sometimes. Especially since sometimes it seems like no matter what I try to do in order to lose the weight that I need to and get in shape it doesn't work. Though I am trying to get the motivation to do it and create a habit of exercising every single day. Hopefully I will be able to get into the habit and that it will help.

    3. I agree with you zabdiel it can be hard taking classes and finding time to work out in the gym.its one of those things you have to look at how you can transform.if you don't put much time in to work out you won't see any results.but if you put in as much time as you can a week you will look and feel good about yourself.

    4. Exercising can make you feel great especially if you eat good along with it, it takes the stress off every day life and it's much easier to study when your mind and body are relaxed and feeling good. For me personally i have an extensive amount of energy and i can't focus for nothing if I've been lazy with my fitness.

  2. SCENARIO 1: Based on Shawn's values, he should probably choose the engineering major. It matches most with all of his values. First of all, if he wants to be independent, live on his own, and have a secure future, then engineering definitely secures that more than music. There are more chances of him making the money he wants and, depending on what he chooses to do with the major, it could be something important and fulfilling. Second, he does not have to totally give up music. He would just need to set apart some time to focus on engineering first. He can keep playing music as a hobby and build on that later in the future, but it is definitely a good idea to dedicate those first few years to develop one thing well. Then he can move on to the next thing knowing that he has given 110 percent to engineering.

    1. Hello Zabdiel,

      You are right and being an engineer major will give him the chance to be independent and on his own. Most engineers make really good money. It is a very hard degree just like science. Many of us will not pick engineering or science majors. It is okay but in his case having a gift to be so talented, he needs to consider going forward with engineering. Engineering is always going to be there. Music can be something he does on the side for fun with his friends. He needs to always have a career.

  3. The most successful decision i have ever made in my life was the decision to give up all negative things and focus completely on the positive. My life was filled with much negative things before i got to where i am today. Whether it was friends, some activities, interests, or video games, they were all pointless and created negative energy for me. It wasnt easy, i had to work at it for a long time. But with strength and a lot of faith, i did it. Another important decision i made was the decision to become healthy. I was so blind to all the unhealthy things in this world. I gained so much knowledge about health within the past year. This not only benefitted me, but the people around me as well. i soon started preaching what i learned, and filled myself with many goals and dreams i want to accomplish. The most unsuccessful decision i have made was getting into a negative crowd as a teenager.

    1. I commend you for choosing to focus on the positives in life. College provides the opportunity to meet new friends with similar ideas. One of my goals for this course is to have students think about the decisions that affect their health. You are already there. Great!

  4. SCENARIO 2: This question is a no-brainer. Obviously Maria should continue her education. It says she is mexican. Being familiar with the mexican culture, i know that mexican grandparents and parents love spending time with their grandchildren. I'm sure Maria's family wouldnt mind baby-sitting the kids, since her husband is so worried about that. That is what my parents did when i was a kid and they had to work. Maria is doing everything right. She is going to school and supporting her family. her husband should support her decisions now.

    1. I agree with you totally. I have a number of friends that are Mexican and family if very important to them. Grandparents would jump at the opportunity to spend time with the grandkids. In addition college classes today are flexible and meet the demands of everyone. There are so many on line classes that she could take and she would not be taken out of the home at all to do those. Maria does need to follow her dream and in the long run everyone would be happy and benefit from her decision to continue on for her degree.

  5. For my second comment I have decided to write on scenario number two. I feel as though Maria should follow her heart and continue her education so that she could become a teacher. If something makes you happy and you enjoy yourself then you should chase after it. Also, the family should always be supportive especially because in the long run all of her hard work will pay off since she will be earning more money. It would also help them be more financially stable if the mom became a teacher since teachers do earn more money than a teacher's aide.

    1. Hello Brittany,

      It is really hard when one's significant other is not supportive of your dreams and goals. It can really push you back. Let's be honest by Maria getting her bachelor's degree will never hurt her. Her degree will only educate her and allow her to learn more. In addition, her children will be more motivated within school. I think there is a huge difference if Maria wanted to do something that was not related to bettering herself and her family then there is issues. I just feel like her husband is afraid she will not do what she usually does.

  6. SCENARIO 1: Based on Shawn's values, I think he should focus on Engineering. He should focus on this major because it matches his values. Ever since Shawn was little, he was interested in science and dreamed of making new inventions. Because he likes to take things apart to see how they worked, he would be very excellent in this profession. By wanted to get a part-time job, is a great way to become more independent. If Shawn wants to have a secured future, Engineering is the way to go. This doesn’t mean he was to forget about music. He can focus on Engineering first and still focus on what he also loves to do. He can write songs on the side and play music as a hobby.

  7. SCENARIO 2: I think that Maria should continue to get her Bachelor’s Degree. While the kids are at school, Maria will still have all of this time on her hands that she can use to attend school. Her goal is to own her become a teacher. She should have the education to do that, so she can help with her family financially which will help as well. It might take a little longer than she planned, but she will be a very proud mother that her kids will get to see their mom get the education that she deserves. She will be a great example to her kids.

    1. Hello Monique,

      I absolutely agree with you on Maria finishing up her degree. She needs to get the degree because look at the world today. Nothing is stable and I am sorry but who said she is still going to be married to her husband in the future? I think many times women and men have a significant other that is rich so they assume they are going to be okay. This is not true. We always need to push ourselves and do what we need to do to be successful.

  8. Scenario # 2:
    I believe that Maria should continue her education so that she can fulfill her dreams for a career. Now a days many classes can be taken on line so if her husband is concerned that it will take away from family time she can do the classes on line or she can be in class when her children are in school and therefore it would not interfere with family time. While it may take her a few extra years to complete her degree in the end they all will be much happier. She will have fulfilled her dream of becoming a teacher and she will be making more money so that the family can have extra. In addition she will be a good role model for her children because if they see that their mother is trying to better herself they will want to do the same and follow in her footsteps. Maria will be more marketable and be able to get a better job. There will be more job opportunities for her as a teacher versus a teacher’s aide. So while it may be hard on the family at first and during the years she is in school in the end they all will benefit from her continuing on to get her education.

  9. I believe a successful decision that I have made was to take some college classes while I am still in High School. This summer I took the History of Jazz to fulfill my fine arts requirement for high school. Instead of taking fine arts during the regular school year I chose to take it at the community college and in so doing I fulfilled my requirement and got some college credit. I did this so that I can take two science courses this year in high school. I believe that having five years of a science on my transcript is more valuable for me because I most likely am going to pick a degree or major in the science or math field and the more courses in those areas with good grades the better chances I will have of getting accepted into a good school. Being that getting into college is so competitive these days, I believe that the admissions team looks at the type of classes one takes their senior year. If the caseload is more demanding they see that the student is serious about school versus a student who takes easy electives just to get in the minimum amount of credits they need to graduate. This decision matched my values because I value a good education and believe that a degree is needed to get a good job in today’s society.

    1. Kudos for being a serious student. A lot of seniors take it easy during their senior year and you are doing your best to prepare for college and get ahead. Good for you!

    2. I congratulate and admire your dedication and your hard work into your schooling. If you put that much work into your schooling in high school already there is no doubt that you will get a top tier job, and i bet it will be really good to know that you will be better off than most people financially.

  10. This school year I had to make a big decision based one my value of going to college. One of the courses that I had selected to take this school year turned out to be a class that would have brought my grade point average down, no matter if I received an "A" or not. Therefore a had to make the choice to drop the class that I really enjoyed to take another AP course that will help keep my grade point average up. The decision was hard but I knew getting the AP course would be the best course to take to maintain a competitive grade point average for college. Even though I now have more work on my plate because of the new class I stood strong to my values and hopefully the outcome will be getting into my dream college.

    1. I have had to a few similar things during my college career. It's always tough making these decisions and for someone impatient like me being patient and waiting for it to pay off is the hardest part. Hopefully you see the results you want in your GPA, sounds like you know what you need to do in order to make it through school and with study time and a few million chapter readings later, hard work does pay off! :)

  11. Scenario #2: I believe that based on his values Shawn should major in engineering while he is in college. Shawn will be able to do interesting work and achieve something important if he is an engineer because it is a science it will have investigative work which will mean Shawn will always be investigating something new, making the work interesting. Because the engineering field always has job opportunities Shawn will have a secure future, allowing him to be independent and live on his own. Shawn will also be able to be relaxed because he enjoys science and engineering and therefore work would not be stressful for him; also he will most likely work Monday through Friday leaving the weekend for himself to have leisure time and time to unwind and relax.

  12. Successful decisions I have made are decisions I make everyday. For example what prevents me from stealing? I purchase numerous products everyday but deep down I know I have to pay for these things. My morals and my ethics are what prevent me from doing the wrong thing. I was taught to never take what’s not mine without paying for it, therefore I know what’s right and I am not a thief. I know life is hard and you have to work hard to get further so taking short cuts is unacceptable. By following the law I am making successful decisions, which prevents me from hurting other people’s lives.

    1. I really like how you said that successful decisions are decisions that you make everyday and I really do agree with you. If you make successful decisions every day then that means that you know what your values are and stand by them. I also know what my values are and I will stay true to them, even when it means going against the crowd. Knowing that you have made the right decision just brings a smile on your face, especially when you are going through hard times. It may be a easy way out, but if its the wrong way based on your values then why do it? The easy way out is usually the wrong way out. Work for what you know is right and you will be successful when you are finished with it!

  13. Scenario 1: I can personally relate to Shawn because I have the same problem. For example I want to do what I love but at the same time I want to be relaxed. I have goals set for golf and goals set for engineering, but it’s not so easy to achieve both. I feel like engineering would be the best for Shawn because there are more opportunities in this field. Also with his characteristics, he can closely achieve these with engineering. Even though he loves music he should make this into a hobby but not a career. Who’s to say I am right? Everybody succeeds differently so there is no one right way, which makes this question difficult to answer on what Shawn should do with his life. At the same time, just be sure to be happy with whatever you do because you only live once and making that choice is crucial.

    1. I believe that both goals can be accomplished through engineering. The great thing about engineering is that it is needed in almost every field. Shawn can try to get a job engineering musical equipment, or something related to that. I think it is important that we do not give up on our desires in order to pursue money. I think we should try to find a balance. If golfing is a passion of yours, you could set a goal to engineer gold related equipment, such as golf clubs. I had the same problem. I love cars and thought about being a mechanic or an engineer. I decided to be a mechanical engineer, that way I could use it to design cars and automobiles after college.

  14. Scenario 2: Should Maria continue her education?

    In life, even if you are married and your significant other is making good money, I am sorry everyone but it does not mean anything. Life is so much more unstable than it use to be. In Maria's case, going back to school would be beneficial for her. She can always go to an online school or take online classes to complete her degree. Even though her husband thinks she is not going to be spending time with the children, the exact opposite will happen. Her children will be more eager to spend time and do homework with their mom. She will end up encouraging her children in school. I have worked with many parents that do go back to school. Let us all be honest. Many times I have these parents that say their lives are so busy but usually spend the time at night watching their favorite tv shows. There is always time in the day and instead of doing that, they can spend time doing homework. Regardless by Maria going to school will never hurt her or her children. Her children will end up respecting her more and will want her to push herself. Her husband is afraid and I think there is more to the situation. I think he is afraid his wife will not spend time with him as she usually does. There is usually a reason why a husband does not want this and it could be many things stopping her from reaching her goals.

    1. I totally agree with you in this! Life is unstable and there is no guantree that anyone will have a job come tomorrow. I have never met anyone who's choice of going bad to school ending up hurting their children. It teaches children that learning is good and will help them do better in school, cause what child doesn't want to be just like their parents. I also agree that there is likley more to the story with the husband. He could spend time with his kid while the mother is school .The way of life is changing and roles are not so traditional anymore.

  15. Scenario 1: What should be my major?

    I hope people do not take offense with my answer here but I am going to be honest with all of you. Those people that do get a degree in music usually just do teaching. There is not much opportunities in general with music. When budget cuts happen, they usually get rid of the music department and the art department as the main two departments to cut off.

    Engineering, Shawn will have more opportunities for success. There are so many jobs and careers available for him. Lets be honest, many people cannot even handle math and science classes. Music is something he can do on the side for fun but engineering is what is going to open up more doors for him. If he decides to be a music major, he is more likely to be unemployed.

  16. Scenario 1:
    I think that Sean should choose engineering as his major. Based on most of his values of being independent and living on his own, having a secure future, doing interesting work, and achieving something important. Engineering is the safe major to pick to achieve these goals.With Sean being good at math and science this is a perfect matched profession for him. Music can always be a part of him as a hobby but in my opinion it is not a secure job future. Choosing engineering for music there will be a lot more job oppertines for Sean.

  17. One of my important values is begin in a good health. Because I think it’s important for everyone to be healthy because it’s good for your health. So I think that eating healthy food is good and maybe exercising would be good too. Because if you just eat healthy food its good but exercising its better for your body too. So I think that the most important value for me is begin in shape and having the most important healthy life. And also begins healthy and exercising is good for everything for your hart your body and everything.

  18. Scenario 2: Should Maria continue her education? I think that Maria should continue her education because so that Maria reaches her dreams but also she would have a wonderful job that she loves. And also, there are many online classes that Marie can take and finish up her degree and maybe spend a lot of time with her kids and husband so that her husband will not worry anymore because Marie would be taking classes online and reaching for that dream of hers. So I think that even if you’re married and have a family you should still finish up your goal.

  19. Based on Shawn’s skills, interests, and values, I believe he should pursue engineering. Engineering will give him the money and independence he is looking for, and he will be able to do things he likes such as creating things and working with science. He does not need to completely give up music. He can make it a hobby and set aside a limited amount of time to practice. Also, with engineering, he could work in a field that involves music. Engineers are needed to design the instruments and electrical components. I believe that he would really enjoy designing, creating, and testing music equipment.

  20. Scenario 1: What should be my major?

    Based on what I read about Shawn I believe he should major in engineering. It looks like he was way more advanced and successful in his engineering studies. From my perspective the music side was just a hobby and will always be his hobby. It looks like to me that Shawn should always have the hobby of playing his piano and getting into music, and have a lifetime career in being an Engineer. In addition, based on Shawn’s values it would only make sense if he became a successful engineer. Engineers have a very broad field on career success, versus music there are not that many jobs being offered.

  21. Scenario 2: Should Maria continue her education?

    I believe Maria should continue college and earn her Bachelors degree. If Maria and her husband want their children to be successful I think Maria should be a role model for them and continue her education. I also do understand on Juan’s end on how she won’t have time for her family, but if Maria balances everything out I think it would work perfectly fine. I believe her life would change dramatically if Maria earned her Bachelors.

  22. one out of the two most important decisions that I think I have made would have to be to work with a foundation called LOVE 146. this helped me realize that there are so many more important things then when the next party is and how many friends I have. this has showed me so much in life. respect is my biggest value and I realized that I had so little respect for myself. I would party and drink and not care what I did as long as I was popular. I thought that I was having a good life because I had so many friends. but really most of them new nothing about me and they used me and they had no respect for me. i think that working with this foundation helped me realize that I need to have respect for myself because I have such a good life I need to take it and appreciate because the girls who are getting sold in sex trafficking have no respect from people and have lost it to give themselves. these girls helped me in my life and now I just want to help them. respect is the best thing to have and to be able to give out. everyone deserves it and by me realizing it is the best thing I have ever done.

    1. It takes a lot for people to stop caring so much for their social image and to care for the well-being of others. I really respect the decision that you made. I'm glad that you've gained respect for yourself, I know you will be a happier person and you will be happier with who you are. It seems as though the foundation has already started to help you weed out negative people in your life. While it might suck to realize people are not who you thought they were or do not care about you in the way that you wish, I’m certain that the foundation will fill your life with more positive people who care more about you, and have similar values.

  23. Scenario 1.

    In Shawn's case, I personally would suggest that since he found math and science so interesting, and it wasn't just something he was good at, he should choose that. The money outcome and chance for success is much higher than the music industry, and I believe it is never too late to become famous in music, and the money from a job in a math or science major would really help fund his attempt at majoring in music. If he liked music more than he liked math and science, then I would suggest music. In my opinion, doing something you like is far more important than doing something you're good at. Especially if that something is a career.

  24. Comment on a successful decision you have made and how it matched your values.

    My main values are trying to enjoy the present moment purely for what it is and not be stressed out everyday. In the beginning of summer, I got a job working at a discount store. I got it to buy a car so that things would be easier for me like going to a friends house, the gym, or to school. By the end of the summer I made enough to buy a car, but found out that my brother had bought his own, so I no longer needed to share the family car with him. I was still working 20+ hours after I found that out, and it really was stressing me out because I realized I didn't need to be working and I was going to school so I didn't have much time at home other than a few hours. So I decided to quit, and have been doing better in school ever since. And in my opinion, doing good in school, and not having to work, is enjoying the present moment. (But of course, when the semester is over, I'll probably find another job somewhere)

    1. I think that this is a great value to have. i know that i used to have this as one of ny main life goals and I still would want to. I think by reading your blog it will help me strive to have this as a main goal again. I am in High School but I have School, this college class, Work, Cross Country practice,Gym and ocassionly when I have time I try to go to church and Class Council. I am very busy and I have been unable to enjoy myself for about two months now. I think that you really have helped me realize the true beauty in living in the moment. I just would like to say, you have a great value and if u have more just like it you are going to be set.

  25. A successful decision I have made is one that happened my senior year of high school. I made the decision not to do cross country an track and to take up being a small group leader at my church to prepare me for where I am at now. It may not seem like a huge decision, but it was. I was going to be the fastest runner for cross country. I would have also been the captain. I did grow in my faith during this time which helped me get through a storm in my live, where my father had a 80% chance of dying. Through this situation I kept up my faith and got through it. If I did the sports, I honestly do not know how I would have gotten through that situation and I would not be where I am today and that is a fact.
    -Jennifer Waugh

  26. Based on Shawn's values I would think it would be most beneficial for him to pursue his major in engineering. It has been a life long interest so it seems like its something that he would love to do as a career. His values are to be independent and financially secure. Although music has the potential to be a very well paying job, its a 1 in a million chance. Its not a stable career choice. With those odds it simply wouldn’t be a good move for shawn. He runs the risk of being dependent and unstable financially. Music is always something that he can still pursue on his free time but the chance to become an engineer won’t come around often in life.

  27. I am too a mother of 2 young children and a wife. I made the choice to go back to school and I have goals as far as a masters degree. I had children and got married at 20. I always had my own dreams of being a nurse but I put that aside to raise my children while my husband was in the navy. I dedicated 6 years straight to being a at home mom. I have always believed that “You never will regret what you do and much as you would regret what you haven’t done” I didn’t want to have any regrets. Maria should pursue getting her bachelors and moving forward. Financially it may be a little tough on her family. But nothing good comes without some sacrifice, they pay off will always out weigh the sacrifice. Secondly, she will regret not pursuing it if she didn’t do it.

    Maria is a married mother of two young boys ages five and seven and a part-time college student. Maria and her husband, Juan, are very proud of their Mexican heritage and value their marriage and family. They both think that it is important for Maria to spend time with the children. Maria learned to speak English as a second language and has made sure that her children speak both English and Spanish. While the children are in school, Maria has been attending college part-time with the goal of becoming a teacher’s aide in a class for bilingual children. She has some experience as a teacher’s aide and gets a great deal of satisfaction from helping the children. Juan works in construction, and the family has sacrificed to come up with the money to pay for Maria to attend college. Maria has struggled to earn her associate’s degree and is proud of her accomplishments. She values her education and wants her children to do well in school. Now Maria is considering continuing her education to earn the bachelor’s degree so that she can become a teacher. She would enjoy having her own classroom, loves working with children, and would have a higher income as a teacher than she would as a teacher’s aide. Maria’s husband is concerned that she will spend too much time at college and will not be home for the children. He is also relieved that Maria has finished college and plans to work part-time to supplement the family income while the children are in school. Should Maria continue her education and earn a bachelor’s degree?

  28. Shane Dillon - Successful Decision

    I am an athlete and all my life I grew up playing basketball. Up until high school, I though that I would be a collegiate basketball player. Then in high school it all changed. I ended up deciding to play football in college instead and last july I decided I made the wrong choice and switched back to my passion even though it made me transfer to a JC when I was at a 4 year. Even though I gave up a lot in other people's eyes I am back to doing something I love and I am at the happiest point in my life I have ever been.

  29. Shane Dillon - Unsuccessful Decision

    About 2 years ago I decided to end a friendship with a close friend of mine that I had since I was a little kid. I decided that because he was into things that I didnt want to get involved in that I needed to end my friendship with him entirely. As a result I lost one of the best friends I have had in my entire life. It pains me to say that even though I realize this and have tried to reconnect the friendship it just is not the same.

  30. Among many of my important values, my most important one is staying on track in school. It is so important to me to keep focused in school because I am really determined to not only not drop out but graduate in four years with my bachelors in Criminal Justice and minor in psychology. So far this year I have not been off to a great start and have been falling behind. Having six classes, being in a sorority and working as a lifeguard might be too much for me this year and might need to cut back. Fortunetly I have close people that would not let me get off track. This is really nice to know that I have a really good support system. Even if I didnt have this great support system, I believe I am strong enough to not conform to others bad values and keep up with my own.

  31. I recently made a decision to keep my major Economics, and I feel that was a very smart decision because I know that I personally love dealing with numbers and I would love to help contribute to make the economy more stable, so that many people would not have to worry and stress out like they have been in recent times. It matches my values because I love numbers and I love complex mathematical problems which is pretty much what Economics deals with and the motivates me to do well and keep this as my major because it is what I would love to do for a career.

  32. An unsuccessful decision that I have made was when I was in high school I decided to not give my all and that affected my school work drastically because I really did not care about doing the work or not. This does not match my values because my values are school first, however I did not think this way in high school, but the main point is that I now I understand that school is my priority. I feel that Shawn should choose engineering as his major because it is easy to tell that since he was a child he had a passion for Science, and it is always best to do something you have a passion for.

  33. Comment on a successful decision you have made and how it matched your values:

    One good decision I have made in my life is choosing to go to school. I have grown up with the vision and impression that education will bring me good things into my life. My parents always told me to continue in school through college until I reach a goal. For a while I thought college wasn't for me but have recently realized it;s one of the best things going on in my life right now. The reward of feeling like I am growing so much as a person is great. Feeling growth as an adult by continuing to fill myself with knowledge about what goes on around me is something that is important, my parent's were right, what do ya know. This will soon lead me to happiness in finding the career I want to persue.

  34. In life there are a lot of decisions to be made, decisions that will affect you and everyone around you. I would say that out of all the decisions I made I consider the best decision I have ever made was when I decided to pick up MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) I just turned 15 and I was tired of being self-conscious about everything and feeling inferior to everyone to everyone around me and I felt like I was always wallowing in my own sorrows. This decision that I made saved my life and there is no activity I would rather do than train. This decision allowed me to get up off the ground and develop confidence and a new character than I never thought I had, after a year I felt like I was a new person and the sky became the limit for improving myself. Every time I exit the gym I felt like I just grew 100% as a person and this decision is the BEST thing I have ever done I owe my life to MMA.

  35. I think Shawn has to do what he loves. Since I love music I would rather take risks and produce instead of doing a competitive major. Although it may sound easy it is not. His decision might take him the wrong way. Life is all about risks. If Shawn doesn't take risks he will not succeed. If his love for music is greater than his major then he'll risk it and do what he enjoys most. People do not succeed by doing something they do not like.

  36. One of the worst decisions I've made in my life was dropping out from SDSU. I had no choice but to drop out. I didn't get my financial aid worked out and couldn't afford to pay tuition and housing. Although it was not my fault to drop out I am happy that I'm attending Cuyamaca College because it is less stressful and flexible. Cuyamaca college can be as good as SDSU so I don't feel guilty about dropping out from SDSU. It was a bad decision at first but then I realized that it turned out for the best.

  37. A successful decision I have made in the past was me switching club teams from matrix to CV Manchester. It helped me out so much, that now I am able to play for Cuyamaca. Not only did it make me a better player but it also helped me to find what I truly want to do and that is play soccer. It may not seem like a huge deal but to me it was the biggest change in my life. I have covered so many tracks in so little of time most kids would die to be in my spot right now. And I think I need to think about that a little more, be more grateful for what I have done for myself.

  38. I think Maria should continue her education and get her bachelors degree. You can do so much more in life if you do what makes you happy with the most education you can get. So if Maria gets her bachelors degree she won't have to worry about her education and could get a good job in the long run. So many company's now a days want people who have gone to school already and are ready to perform.

  39. Successful Decision:

    My most successful decision I have ever made was going to school full and leaving my job in order to do so. This has been one of the biggest changes in my life but I do know it is for the better. It was a major choice to make but realizing that I was getting no where with no education is what made up my mind. Having an education will only help myself and my family. Sometimes I look back and wonder why it took me so long to realize an education is key to my future but I guess it had to be my choice to work. I am very happy with my choice. This is the best decision I feel I have ever made.

  40. Unsuccessful Decision:

    My most unsuccessful decision was to opt for working full time instead of gong to college right after high school. I had the chance to have a full time job. At the time making good money was the right way to go. The money was really good for a 18 year old but it wasnt going to be good enough to last the rest of my life. I stayed with the company for 6 long years and finally realized that education was my next move. Even though I feel working full time right out of high school was my worst decision but, I did obtain 6 years of office experience.

  41. Maria-
    I definetly think that Maria should continue with her education to recieve a Bachelors degree. It is so important these days to have atleast a Bachelors degree, and will only benefit her. If she can find a permitting schedual, she will not have a problem being home for her kids and finishing her last two years for a better education. If she had a schedual like mine, she would only have school a few hours a day and it would be while her kids are at school. It is also really important for Maria to have a degree so she can get a good job to help support her kids if anything happened to her husband or even if a divorce occured. Unfortunetly the divorce rate is just going up. I think it is really important for Maria to go for what she really wants to do. She can always take out a loan and slowly pay it off. And she can also find a good school schedual that fits her life,and practice her time management. I think she would regret it if she didnt.

  42. A really important value to me is being a good person, to other people as well as yourself. I used to not be happy with decisions that I had made, and late at night I'd sit up upset about them and with myself. One day I learned to die before I die. I killed my old self and everything I didn't like. I worked on becoming the best version of myself because that was who I truly was. Ever since then I've had a more positive view on everything I do in life. I look at everything as a possible lesson, and I do my best to put out good energy to attract it in my life as well.

  43. Scenario 1: What should be my major?

    I believe that Shawn's major should be engineering. I think he should choose engineering because, it's something he's always loved since he was little. Also, he has already taken the classes necessary for his major. According to his values, he would like something set and stone, something he can enjoy and rely on to make a living. Also, as an engineer he can move up the ladder of success with promotions and benefits. As a child he has always loved to take apart things and reassemble them back together. I believe if he sticks to this major he will not regret it and be very happy with his choice.

    Scenario 2: Should Maria Continue Her Education?

    Yes. I believe that Maria should continue her education. I feel this way because she says she wants to bring more income and become a teacher. If she became a teacher she would benefit her family more and help more with the kids and their needs. She could take classes during the day time, while her children are in school and be home before they get home to take of them. I believe that Maria should follow her dreams and become a teacher so that she and her family will be well taken care of and she herself will enjoy her life more than she does now.

  44. Scenario 1: What should be my major?
    Shawn should defiantly major in engineering over music. It seems since he was a child he enjoyed making things and was always into inventions. Although he really enjoyed music, he can do that on his down time. he can still play an instrument or start a band for fun while getting his major in engineering. He also wants to have a bright future and I believe a major in engineering seems more reliable than a major in music. Engineers tend to make good money and musicians seem to have a tough time getting well-known enough. If he values a bright future he will go into the engineering field because he has the qualities in being successful in that field and he can still be a musician on his down time.

  45. successful decision: A successful decision I have made that matches my values is going to college and getting an education instead of going straight into the working world. I always valued having a bright future to support my future family. It was my decision to go to college and I am glad I did. I have learned that having a degree is always valuable because you never know what can happen even if you do come from a wealthy family. I am glad I made the right decision and followed my values. if I would have just went straight to working, I would not be thinking about my future, instead I would be thinking about the present and that would be going against my values.
